Yes, that's now! But what if Gary's marketing (with your endorsement) brings 50 other agents in the Odenton MD area into the system such that every business owner gets those 5 insurance calls a day, day after day. And because the system is so good, all the aluminum siding guys get Gary's system. And then the Pre-Paid Legal guys get it. And then the merchant card guys get it. Sooner than you think, the small business folks on any list (Go-Leads, ReferenceUSA, D&B, etc.) will be deluged with phone spam. They are going to petition their state legislators to pass some kind of law similar to the fax statutes. Why you don't see this, I don't understand... because you are usually one of the more perceptive people on this board.
That's not going to happen. Business owners already get inundated with B2B people and some telemarketers as well. It's the price of doing business. Consumers do not think like business people and one of the downfalls in the drop of business is directly related to the DNC regulations. Great...more government involvement. I'm sure the post office obtained more business though!
The only thing I see happening is having stricter restrictions on businesses who continue to telemarket w/out respecting the owners wish to be removed from the list. I call A LOT of people and I rarely hear a business owner tell me to take them off my list. Then again, I have a different approach and don't push to the point of pissing off people. I did run into angry people when I was with MEGA and used their scripts. Time and experience has shown me how I have to monitor my "dialer health" to ensure I keep on dialing.
There are many people telemarketing and this is evident by surveys I've conducted, as well as discussions with other agents. I rather focus my energy on things I have direct control over NOW vs. pondering "what-if" scenarios I know will paralyze my productivity. That's not directly towards you Al, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
I'd love to compete with some of the more ethical agents on this board to see who was victorious. I've gotten my ass handed to me at times by senior agents (in a different state though), but I have also won.
Right now I'm getting ready to telemarket Rick's community so that should be fun
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