I like most of you

Knew him personally:laugh:. I find that hard to believe. You knew him from this forum and from talking to him on the phone I could believe. But knew him "Personally" I doubt it. I guess you could say you were the insurance forum version of Catfished!

I have been reading this forum for over 6-7 years and this is my first post ever. Why would I post now you might ask? First of all because I'm an *** who needs to get a life just like the rest of you. Second of all I just wanted to remind some of you old buzzards that this FE Forum dose not even exist except for JD. JD put this forum on the map the way I see it. Is JD perfect no, but hes a pretty likable cool guy and that is the real reason he sells like mad in case you still have not figured it out. Does JD sometimes side up with some questionable characters in this forum? You better believe it. JD thought old Frank from the Senior Forum was a great guy too cough cough. I always liked Hoosier Daddy but when I finally seen his photo my first impression was he looked a little shady. Sorry Travis! Anyway comeback JD and don't worry about what these fools got to say it isn't nothing.

Seems like a lot of CatFish is being served here. How does it taste?

Your Avatar / Name cracked me up.
Knew him personally:laugh:. I find that hard to believe. You knew him from this forum and from talking to him on the phone I could believe. But knew him "Personally" I doubt it. I guess you could say you were the insurance forum version of Catfished!
I didn't know him at all. Other people on the forum apparently did, though, whereas you didn't. You just know somebody who knows somebody....

But like WB said, funny user name!
I believe everybody's referring to Frank Stastny. I never knew him at all, except by reputation.

Now you never knew him huh:D Frank was always on this forum selling his super duper Insurance Agency management computer program. He promised the prospects on this forum that after they bought his 400 dollar software he would coach them on how to make it in the medicare supplement business. Franks stories always had more holes in them then a block of big hole swiss cheese. Frank claimed that he had made it big selling medicare supplements with United American back in the mid 90's. Truth is there could never have been a bigger lie. United American's rates were always on the high side in the 80's but by 1992 their rates were atrociously high. You couldn't sell United American anymore by 1992 because their rates were the highest in the industry by hundreds of dollars a year. If you did sell United American you would have agents coming in behind you and replacing you right and left. I sold United American 80% of the time in the 80s' but by 1992 I was not selling it at all.
Now you never knew him huh:D Frank was always on this forum selling his super duper Insurance Agency management computer program. He promised the prospects on this forum that after they bought his 400 dollar software he would coach them on how to make it in the medicare supplement business. Franks stories always had more holes in them then a block of big hole swiss cheese. Frank claimed that he had made it big selling medicare supplements with United American back in the mid 90's. Truth is there could never have been a bigger lie. United American's rates were always on the high side in the 80's but by 1992 their rates were atrociously high. You couldn't sell United American anymore by 1992 because there rates were the highest in the industry by hundreds of dollars a year. If you did sell United American you would have agents coming in behind you and replacing you right and left.
There were agents doing well with UA when I got in the biz in 2002. Are you the agent that was on here before bashing Frank? The one that couldn't afford to pay him for YIO. I believe that poster went by Sam Jackson...
There were agents doing well with UA when I got in the biz in 2002. Are you the agent that was on here before bashing Frank? The one that couldn't afford to pay him for YIO. I believe that poster went by Sam Jackson...

Why in the name of common sense would I have wanted Frank's bogus software? Any agent selling United American in 2002 was an *** doing the client and himself a terrible injustice. Now tell us more about how much you don't know.
Now you never knew him huh:D Frank was always on this forum selling his super duper Insurance Agency management computer program. He promised the prospects on this forum that after they bought his 400 dollar software he would coach them on how to make it in the medicare supplement business. Franks stories always had more holes in them then a block of big hole swiss cheese. Frank claimed that he had made it big selling medicare supplements with United American back in the mid 90's. Truth is there could never have been a bigger lie. United American's rates were always on the high side in the 80's but by 1992 their rates were atrociously high. You couldn't sell United American anymore by 1992 because there rates were the highest in the industry by hundreds of dollars a year. If you did sell United American you would have agents coming in behind you and replacing you right and left.
No, I didn't know him. I joined the forum earlier, but never spent any time on it. I got back on later, just in time to see the RIP thread I posted above.

He must have offended you deeply for you to invest this much energy into denigrating him this many years later! I've seen many posts referring to him since that time, often with "the great" in front of his name. You're the first poster I can remember referring to him in a negative way. So, the preponderance of evidence would seem to suggest.....

As far as the impossibility of an agent doing well selling UA supps, I knew of several agents who did well with them all through the 90's into the 2000's. Sure, their rates were high. But a good agent providing a decent product won't be easily replaced, I don't care how high they are.
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