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I Need Some Cheap Auto Insurance

If you wish to get some life-insurance for your vehicles...

I would absolutely love to get life insurance on my vehicles! Will it cover my vehicle if it dies from a crash, or does it have to die from natural causes? Will a blown head gasket suffice a claim?

Now that I think of it, my exhaust system is going bad.... if my muffler smokes, will that double my rate?
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wow, yeah thats a very broad question. Analyst in the industry here. I specifically work on this type of thing. From my experience a big factor in rating is based on how we cut up the geography and research the experience. We do rating territory research as well as individual zip codes if we need to drill down further.

simply put (and as others have said) shop around because each company tends to have differing levels of claim/loss experience, which is largely based on their set rate levels (which also differs greatly, and EXACTLY why you should shop until you drop.)
You have not mentioned your state. Type of coverage vary from state to state and the insurance premiums depends on the what coverage you want. Different companies offer different offer and discounts time to time. All you need is to track these offers.
You can compare the quotes of your favorite 5 companies that you can receive online and free of cost. Then go with the best and the most affordable one.
Wow, a lot of sarcasm around this. Nothing wrong with wanting cheaper car insurance...

Every carrier has to file rates with their respective states & once they do they are locked in until they file again. Each company has different rate filings based on their own internal metrics and file accordingly.

My suggestion is you should look for good claims service and good rates. If you look for just cheap rates you will be sorry when you do file a claim it is a bad experience. You will wish you were more concerned with service.

Historically, Amica has always been on top in terms of service, however, not always on top in terms of price. I suggest using an auto insurance comparison site and compare rates for several companies. If you are in CA or AZ, there is a new independent agency out there called CoverHound. You will get instant rates and 1 agent calling to discuss the best policy vs. 4-8 of them...
Wow, a lot of sarcasm around this. Nothing wrong with wanting cheaper car insurance...

Every carrier has to file rates with their respective states & once they do they are locked in until they file again. Each company has different rate filings based on their own internal metrics and file accordingly.

My suggestion is you should look for good claims service and good rates. If you look for just cheap rates you will be sorry when you do file a claim it is a bad experience. You will wish you were more concerned with service.

Historically, Amica has always been on top in terms of service, however, not always on top in terms of price. I suggest using an auto insurance comparison site and compare rates for several companies. If you are in CA or AZ, there is a new independent agency out there called CoverHound. You will get instant rates and 1 agent calling to discuss the best policy vs. 4-8 of them...

Great, we have agent equity as the worlds greatest self promoter and now this guy wants to give him a run for the title....

P.S. this has become the thread that just wont die:swoon:
I love the word Cheap it makes me laugh. It is the cheap people who are the biggest freaking complainers. When someone says cheap my impression of that person hits the gutter as I know this is not someone I really want to deal with. A way for a person to say it is I don't have any assets to protect so I don't care about protection I need the best price so I can start saving money would make me think more highly of that person. But still it wouldn't be the lowest cost insurance because I would suggest they still take medical payments unlike the online cheap companies do.