I Passed the Mississippi Life, Accident, and Health Exam!

Got an 80! Took it for the 1st time Saturday.
So you spelled your name right? Hey, you could have gotten a 90 if you could have spelled your middle name and it wasn't Bubba or Bubba Faye! :)

I'm just kidding - people like me in Alabama can't take much pride in things other than the Crimson Tide's future 14th, and second in a row, national championship, and the fact that there's always Mississippi! :1wink:

Seriously, congratulations on passing the exam on your first attempt, and good luck in your new career!
Good Luck !

Just don't forget to apply to the State and get that License ... as I did something similar .. once I cleared the exam I was all into E&O and finding a GA, and all that good stuff .. but forgot the fact that I still had to apply and get that darn license .. duh !

and yet I am a 'super genius' now I wonder about those 'Gurus' here ......... !!! :-)

Have a good day now.
Congratulations. Iv'e found out that passing the exam is only the start. Keep up the study of the industry. Good luck to you.
I appreciate all the support. I'm excited to get started in a couple weeks after graduation.

VADwayne: I used Success Learning, the Northwestern Mutual office in jackson set me up with classes and all of that. Paid for it all too.

Tom Highway: To get that 14th, the Tide will have to get through Ole Miss. We owe ya'll for the last 7 or 8 yrs of close losses.