I Think I'm Going To Barf!

Finally someone has taken a liking to my rss:
"I had fun read this posting. I want to see more about this subject.. Thank you for posting this nice article.. Anyways, I'm gonna sign up to your rss as well as I hope you make useful articles again soon."
Okay, it is now time for all of us to join hands and sing a round of "We belong to a mu-tu-al, ad-mir-a-tion society...".

I just barfed and it came out my nose.
Just got this beauty on one of my blogs...

It was an absolute pleasure to read through your piece with all the interesting topics you write about. My thoughts went wild with all the thorough words you used. Please remain to grace us with your work as it is sincerely enjoyed.
Just got this beauty on one of my blogs...

It was an absolute pleasure to read through your piece with all the interesting topics you write about. My thoughts went wild with all the thorough words you used. Please remain to grace us with your work as it is sincerely enjoyed.

His thoughts went wild!??? Why are they so dramatic!? They might as well say, "Hey, I'm going to use words and phrases no man or woman on earth uses in the course of a normal conversation. I'll use words that are generally reserved for the foreword of a NY Times bestselling book. Because of this, you will definitely know I'm not real. Yes I'm a spam bot. I might as well go ahead and try to sell you penis pills or viagra, unless of course you want to lose 200 lbs in 3 minutes. Oh yeah, send me $50,000 and I'll send you $1 trillion back. Deal?"
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