Information on Immigrant Coverage


1000 Post Club
1,763 Immigrants Fact Sheet.pdf

Fact Sheet released recently concerning immigrants and their coverage. Raised my eyebrow to say the least.

What it implies to lay-people is that in households with non-legals or undocumented immigrants can still enroll, and may be able to get subsidies. The exchange will do whatever it can to get you covered, even if you don't have documentation. They go out of their way to say (in different words) "we won't deport you for the information you give us".

Nowhere does it say "only legal citizens can get subsidies", "undocumented immigrants are ineligible" or anything along those lines.

I recognize the need to draw in as many people as possible, but this seems like they're sending out a personal invitation to undocumented immigrants and implying they can get subsidies (even though, we know they can't).