Insurance ToolKit or Best Plan Pro?

If you can give me specific examples, I'm sure it's something that can be evaluated.
There's no specific drug. I can't remember any of the names. I just notice occasionally that that happens and I plug in an alternative, which hurts the accuracy. Take a look at how BPP does it.

I've been perfectly happy with Toolkit. This would be the closest thing to a complaint I would have. I've made several sales because of it that I might not of tried because I didn't think any company would take certain combinations.
I write business FULL TIME.
I help with the day-to-day management of the infrastructure of the software. I hope that clears it up for you.

Would you like me to tell you how much money I have in the bank? Would that make you happy? How about how much my house is worth? How about what kind of car I drive? Will that satisfy if a software works or not for other agents. Good luck my friend

Man - ole Johnny trolling for fish . . .
I write business FULL TIME.
I help with the day-to-day management of the infrastructure of the software. I hope that clears it up for you.

Would you like me to tell you how much money I have in the bank? Would that make you happy? How about how much my house is worth? How about what kind of car I drive? Will that satisfy if a software works or not for other agents. Good luck my friend

No. You said you were a producer in defense of a supposed "rumor". So I asked you to define producer. Your spokesmodel answered for you that you write between 100K and $999K per year.

You entered your qualifications into the discussion. So what are those qualifications?

There's a few "full time" FE agents posting here that write less than $25K FE a year. Then there's others that claim to write $300K per year but no company has ever heard of them.
Honestly the God's honest truth is I have won some trips in the past I have chosen not to attend for my own personal reasons that I don't want to go into here. However I spread my business throughout several companies because I try to do the best for the client not for the trips. I do have integrity.

It's earned trips, not won. It's not a drawing. And I asked on your own pen. Maybe it is "won" if you get there on the backs of other agents? Earning trips is the be all and end all. But it is verifiable. Vary, very few FE agents earn company trips on personal production. Last RNA trip I went on there was 50 qualifiers out of 9000 agents. But only 9 of those qualifiers got there on personal production.

Most companies would rather have the marketers there anyway. They love their yes men.

KSKJ is only one I've found to be different. They had about 50 qualifiers in PR this year. Out of about 2000 agents. But 40 of them got there on personal production.

It's just one way of separating the posers from real producers.
No, you must list the company trips that you've qualified for. Evidently that is one of the major factors in everything. Whether you know what you're doing or not, whether your software works well or not, whether you are a real insurance agent, and whether you are qualified to even talk with other agents to try and help them.

So, as you can see, those trips are of upmost importance in whether you are successful or not and just how successful you really are in life. :D

Wrong again. I've never said that but you continue with your character assassination. Of course, you want to deflect. You have never been a producer but play one on the internet.

And for your edification, he brought up his production. I know it gets to you that I know the truth about you and I live rent free in your head because of it. But that is just a problem that the phonies have to bear.

I don't care what someone does business wise. Except when they are trying to sell me something. They want to sell this BPP. OK, I want to know if they know what they are talking about. Which started this conversation with me. My first comment was that I do not need or use either. But if I did I would use the one that has a bonafide producer on board.

I know for a fact that Chis Smith is a producer. They apparently take exception to that and say they have a producer on board too. Except they don't want to prove it. Much like you.

I don't care that you were not a producer. You have always gotten your panties in wad because I recommend agents go to an IMO where they can be properly trained by someone that can and has done what they are wanting to be trained on. And you are not one of those.