Interested in Lincoln Heritage

LH is a solid company that will be there for you in the beginning, the middle and the end.

If you are selling in Indiana I can supply you with special gold stars to place on mailboxes of houses you have sold.

Those gold stars will tell other agents "Don't bother. This one is all taken care of."

Classic! :)

I have the same offer running in Pennsylvania.
LH is a solid company that will be there for you in the beginning, the middle and the end.

If you are selling in Indiana I can supply you with special gold stars to place on mailboxes of houses you have sold.

Those gold stars will tell other agents "Don't bother. This one is all taken care of."

I don't very often actually LOL at at a post but in the words of Tommy Callahan "That was Awwwwwweesome!"
LH is a solid company that will be there for you in the beginning, the middle and the end.

If you are selling in Indiana I can supply you with special gold stars to place on mailboxes of houses you have sold.

Those gold stars will tell other agents "Don't bother. This one is all taken care of."

I have to laugh at this as well. :D:D
I live and work in Michigan. LH rates are extremely high. The good news is when you visit a home that has a LH policy you have a guaranteed rewrite.

Don't walk, run as fast as you can away from LH.
I went and talked to a Lincoln Heritage manager here in Baton Rouge and found him to be very nice and professional. I was introduced to him a while back and had agreed to meet with him so I did. I believe some agencies are ran above board while others take the low road. I also believe this is found in all walks of life. I personally am an independent and like it like that, but that does not mean that I would not investigate all options.

Personally, and I may catch a lot of flack about it but:

1. I say go where you feel comfortable.
2. Do not agree to spend an excessive (more than $500/week) amount of money on leads in the beginning unless you can see contact/closing ratios per agent along with their persistency using these leads. I realize this may be a fabricated piece of paper.
3. While some say LH is a rip off to the client how much more expense does the policy have to be versus the cheapest policy to be considered a rip off? $10.00/month, $13.00/month. There have been posts on here where agents state they never sell the cheapest policy. Are they ripping the client off? Is someone selling Senior Life ripping the client off? How about AARP or Globe? IDK, and I am not trying to get in to a pissing match with anyone, just spurring up conversation.

4. I would get a copy of the contract along with product info and rates before I signed on with anyone, not just LH.

Lastly, Jimmy if you have a copy of the contract and rates why don't you share them?


I shared a couple rates (see above), as for the contract, my understanding is that is different with each group.
stated by JimmyUT

"Are they ripping the client off? Is someone selling Senior Life ripping the client off? How about AARP or Globe? IDK, and I am not trying to get in to a pissing match with anyone, just spurring up conversation".

I know your just posing a question so understand this is not directed towards anybody. I like to believe I am selling the best product available. I don't like selling something that is obviously inferior to other similar products and wouldnt do so.

I sold Toyotas for 14 years because I believed they were the best product in the world for the money. I was an F&I manager at a Chrysler store where I sold warranties. I firmly believed if someone bought a Chrysler product the warranty was a very good value and would probably be needed at some point in time.

I could not with a good conscious sell AARP term final expense policies. I beleive the vast majority of people buying those products don't even know what they are buyin because if they did they would not buy an AARP policy. It should be up to the agent to help them make an intelligent decison. Most AARP buyers don't even know they are buying term. They don't even know the future payments will increase. And most of them don't even know they have a 2 year waiting period. I would not be an agent for AARP and I would not be an agent for Lincoln Heritage. I don't like selling inferior products.
stated by JimmyUT

"Are they ripping the client off? Is someone selling Senior Life ripping the client off? How about AARP or Globe? IDK, and I am not trying to get in to a pissing match with anyone, just spurring up conversation".

I know your just posing a question so understand this is not directed towards anybody. I like to believe I am selling the best product available. I don't like selling something that is obviously inferior to other similar products and wouldnt do so.

I sold Toyotas for 14 years because I believed they were the best product in the world for the money. I was an F&I manager at a Chrysler store where I sold warranties. I firmly believed if someone bought a Chrysler product the warranty was a very good value and would probably be needed at some point in time.

I could not with a good conscious sell AARP term final expense policies. I beleive the vast majority of people buying those products don't even know what they are buyin because if they did they would not buy an AARP policy. It should be up to the agent to help them make an intelligent decison. Most AARP buyers don't even know they are buying term. They don't even know the future payments will increase. And most of them don't even know they have a 2 year waiting period. I would not be an agent for AARP and I would not be an agent for Lincoln Heritage. I don't like selling inferior products.

I too like the OP would like to know how is Lincoln Heritage an inferior product and not just based on price. No one seems to state specifics other than price/coverage amount. I however did find a May 2011 Production Newsletter and saw where 7 month persistency rates were as low as low 70's. This in itself would concern me, but there were many in the 80's, 90's and even a couple in the 100's. I think that the OP is just interested in knowing the unbiased facts about the company. I too would like to know as well. Again, the Lincoln Heritage manager that I talked to seemed to be a very nice guy and pretty much told me he would not appoint me until I had time to come to one of their monthly sales meetings and talk to his agents, and then ride with one of his agents a couple days to make sure this was for me. It sounds like each agency runs things differently.

Lastly, how about some of the Lincoln Heritage agents chime in on this topic and let us know the good points about the products you sell?

I wish everyone sold LH. Great product!! TN & GA needs more of it.

I too like the OP would like to know how is Lincoln Heritage an inferior product and not just based on price. No one seems to state specifics other than price/coverage amount. I however did find a May 2011 Production Newsletter and saw where 7 month persistency rates were as low as low 70's. This in itself would concern me, but there were many in the 80's, 90's and even a couple in the 100's. I think that the OP is just interested in knowing the unbiased facts about the company. I too would like to know as well. Again, the Lincoln Heritage manager that I talked to seemed to be a very nice guy and pretty much told me he would not appoint me until I had time to come to one of their monthly sales meetings and talk to his agents, and then ride with one of his agents a couple days to make sure this was for me. It sounds like each agency runs things differently.

Lastly, how about some of the Lincoln Heritage agents chime in on this topic and let us know the good points about the products you sell?

I too like the OP would like to know how is Lincoln Heritage an inferior product and not just based on price. No one seems to state specifics other than price/coverage amount. I however did find a May 2011 Production Newsletter and saw where 7 month persistency rates were as low as low 70's. This in itself would concern me, but there were many in the 80's, 90's and even a couple in the 100's. I think that the OP is just interested in knowing the unbiased facts about the company. I too would like to know as well. Again, the Lincoln Heritage manager that I talked to seemed to be a very nice guy and pretty much told me he would not appoint me until I had time to come to one of their monthly sales meetings and talk to his agents, and then ride with one of his agents a couple days to make sure this was for me. It sounds like each agency runs things differently.

Lastly, how about some of the Lincoln Heritage agents chime in on this topic and let us know the good points about the products you sell?


First of all, the quotes NFL72 were not attributed to me. That being said, other than price, contract issues, not being vested immediately, and each management group being in charge of how they treat you, there is nothing wrong with them.They offer basic whole life, just like anyone else, just at a higher price. The issues seem to be with the way they market themselves and with their agents. Their leads are overpriced, (upper $20's) their renewals sucks (according to a friend who is a manager with them) and they will take any agents who can fog a mirror. They don't care if you have vectors, they will take you. If there are better options out there, why not go with those. Just like NFL said, he sold Toyotas because he believed in them. If you think Lincoln is the best, why does any of what I have just written, or anyone else for that matter even factor into your decision.

I will say this, if you decide to commit to them, make sure it is all or nothing and that you can do it.If you are with a good group, I am sure it will work out for you. The agents here that talk about them speak with experience. Todd, Jdeasy, myself, and many others have already been down that road.

Good luck with whatever decision you decide to make.