Interview With Cody Adkins At Secure Agent Mentor - Selling FE Telephonically

How would one unequivocally prove they did, or didn't produce those numbers?

Instead of congratulating someone on a job well done, and seeking advice of how it could be done, all I see are a few people with an agenda, challenging someones integrity, since this accomplishment (selling final expense over the phone) doesn't agree with their narrative (final expense over the phone is impossible).

It can be done face to face, or in telesales, regardless, its a huge accomplishment, and we should be asking "how he did it?".
Just the forum's rigorous vetting process. You want specific advice? Well, in case you haven't noticed, that's gonna cost ya'!

p.s.- Never seen any specific advice from you, either. Just a full of shit marketer like the rest of them.:skeptical:
I tried to watch the video but it is quite long and frankly, I got a little bored. I did see a part that I didn't quite understand. It is the part where he stated to always give them three options, which I always do. He also stated to do them in declining order. I just wondered what the thought process of that might be. Is it the "bounce them off the ceiling" mentality; that is frequently used in the car business? Or is there some other reason?

And as far as getting specific advice on this forum. I get specific advice from other members all the time. Most of the people that have been here for a while, bend over backwards to answer in a truthful and honest manner. They are more than willing to help out other member who seek advice.
That's about as good of an interview as you're going to get about FE telesales. For those that found it too long, just think about staying engaged in a sales call that will always last longer than this interview.
FE phone sales, now that a hot topic. I do think it needs to be shortened up a little bit. Maybe just long enough to prove he gives good phone.
I personally know Cody well his company does a great job he is the real deal. He is doing very well!

It amazes me how many people here talk bad about people on complete assumptions. Not Good. What ever happened to picking up the phone and having a conversation with somebody before you make a bunch of assumptions.
I personally know Cody well his company does a great job he is the real deal. He is doing very well!

It amazes me how many people here talk bad about people on complete assumptions. Not Good. What ever happened to picking up the phone and having a conversation with somebody before you make a bunch of assumptions.

Glad to hear! However, not a good look appearing to be a real person coming to a 6 month old thread, and 'cheering' on an organization. Comes across about as fake as a Facebook or Yelp review. Just my opinioin