Is FE in Clients Best Interest?

Guess what? Yup....we moved again. LOL We just opened up a bigger newer office this past Tuesday and had a couple new agents start and we had a GREAT week. Better then I even thought we would. But it's because I have converted to 90% TV leads and 10% Avatar.

What's an Avatar lead?

How much do TV leads cost?
What's an Avatar lead?

How much do TV leads cost?

My personal opinion is that avatar leads are not legal. I know I'll get attacked as usual but in most instances over the years about things like this I've been correct.

Avatar leads are voices recorded but a human is pushing the button for the "proper" response. I see little difference in this and a 100% robocall since I feel it is 100% robo. But if you're good with it, so am I.

What's an Avatar lead?

How much do TV leads cost?

Avatar is a type of telemarketing lead.

TV leads can vary in price depending on the quality, how many agents they are sold to, etc...

Again, this is stuff you will know INSTANTLY when you get a good up line and get going.

You have to make a decision...go get your license and hook up with a good agency to teach you a system to follow, or start looking for something else.

I hate to say it, but in most states it costs $300 or so for the total fee to get licensed/course/etc... If that is not something you are comfortable doing and then listening to your up line and working you butt off, then don't get in insurance.

We see this all the time and 100% of the people that analyze for months before making a decision NEVER produce.

My advice for you is to just go get the license and call one of the respected people here and follow EXACTLY what they say. You need 3 characteristics...

Good Work Ethic
Good Money Management
Again aren't in the same league as me.

True - I've never filed Chapter 7. Wonder if your Carriers know? Wonder if the Chapter 7 Trustee realizes how "successful" you are. Surely you have too many assets to File a Chapter 7?

Court records - Todd Arthur Daviso And Shara Leanne Daviso - S-D-OH

anyone else following this???

Never seen a bankruptcy case have so many twists and turns because someones purse was stolen


My personal opinion is that avatar leads are not legal. I know I'll get attacked as usual but in most instances over the years about things like this I've been correct.

Avatar leads are voices recorded but a human is pushing the button for the "proper" response. I see little difference in this and a 100% robocall since I feel it is 100% robo. But if you're good with it, so am I.


No one cares what an old dude from the Desert thinks. Haven't you figured that out yet?

Avatar is a type of telemarketing lead.

TV leads can vary in price depending on the quality, how many agents they are sold to, etc...

Again, this is stuff you will know INSTANTLY when you get a good up line and get going.

You have to make a decision...go get your license and hook up with a good agency to teach you a system to follow, or start looking for something else.

I hate to say it, but in most states it costs $300 or so for the total fee to get licensed/course/etc... If that is not something you are comfortable doing and then listening to your up line and working you butt off, then don't get in insurance.

We see this all the time and 100% of the people that analyze for months before making a decision NEVER produce.

My advice for you is to just go get the license and call one of the respected people here and follow EXACTLY what they say. You need 3 characteristics...

Good Work Ethic
Good Money Management

BoBo said it all and is correct . . .
No one cares what an old dude from the Desert thinks. Haven't you figured that out yet?

Trainwreck, you must care because every time I post you feel compelled to respond.

Nothing else to do in your trailer by the river?

You've already failed in what you said you'd do and it didn't even take the 9 weeks I predicted. You are a loser, plain and simple.

Can't wait for you to respond like Pavlov's dog.

Trainwreck, you must care because every time I post you feel compelled to respond.

You've already failed in what you said you'd do and it didn't even take the 9 weeks I predicted.


I've commented on one of your posts one time in 2 weeks - no fan of yours hear *icky . . .

You said I would not be an agent anymore after 9 weeks. Dude - I am thriving . . .
We see this all the time and 100% of the people that analyze for months before making a decision NEVER produce.

Why do you think analyzers never produce? Any reasons you can think of?

I have been bit too many times when I jump in too quickly. I feel like if I work/research hard upfront my chances of success are much greater. I did lots and lots of research on Uber before starting. I know not nearly as complicated as insurance. I would have lost money if I had jumped in and bought more expensive car that got worse mileage as some suggested. Lots of research on car to get. Then lots of patience time spent buying good used car. The Analysis has paid off.
Why do you think analyzers never produce? Any reasons you can think of?

I have been bit too many times when I jump in too quickly. I feel like if I work/research hard upfront my chances of success are much greater. I did lots and lots of research on Uber before starting. I know not nearly as complicated as insurance. I would have lost money if I had jumped in and bought more expensive car that got worse mileage as some suggested. Lots of research on car to get. Then lots of patience time spent buying good used car. The Analysis has paid off.

If you are talking Final Expense sales, it is as simple as it comes.

Core group of carriers (up line will help you pick the right ones)
Steady flow of DM leads (up line will help you see if per 1,000 drop or fixed price is best)
Go sit with them and do the presentation you are trained to do

Get deposits....

Nothing to analyze, just something to get into and spend your time learning the underwriting better, learning different rebuttals on the weekly calls, training site, or whatever your up line has.

Also DO NOT track every little number in FE. I have never met a successful agent that can tell you their no show percentage, how far away all of there appointments were from each other, how many miles they drove that day (other than for tax purposes), percentage of times they were porched, etc..
No need to put a man's personal failings on the forum. I've never had to declare bankruptcy (Praise God!) but plenty of successful people have and bounced back. One can bash him for it or look at the bright side. The bright side being that he dusted himself off, got up on his feet, and he and his wife kept their marriage together. I call that a happy ending and beginning at the same time.:noteworthy:

p.s.- Maybe it wasn't a happy ending for the banks, but who cares? F**k 'em.:yes: