Is FE worth it?

It is only life insurance about which folks make this argument about "costing too much" and paying in more than you might get out. No one makes the same arguments about their car insurance or their homeowner's insurance (until they get a claim denied, at any rate). They might say they "pay too much," but they never make the argument that they should some day get back at least all they put into it.

And there is a life insurance product that will give them back every cent and more. But few of the hoi polloi want to "pay" for it.

My absolute stickiest term, hell any insurance 5 wise, is ROPTerm. Hands down
I am in full control of my schedule. Which is just as valuable to me as the money.

but if it's to the baby boomer crowd, you're golden. And those folks have their financials together much more than future Millenials and Gen X'ers and beyond.

Regardless of your product line, this is the best part of our business IMHO.

I got a referral from one of my companies. While I was in Maryland for a month. 5th time since August. I let them know if they wanted to see me in person it would have to be late July.

So we set a meeting in Folsom for Tuesday. Having never been to Folsom I looked up bars and music venues. Decided to go a day early and party, did business Tuesday morning, some phone business, extended for an extra day, and partied some more. Did an extra FE and three grandparent MoO WL by phone.

A client called this morning to ask me to write her daughter and granddaughter. She asked if I was retiring soon. I am sitting by the pool, in shorts and barefoot, drinking coffee, and playing on facebook. Her call will net me almost $1,000. Yeah, I think I can do this a bit longer.

SI is going to be my main product line going forward. I have two FU deals in pending that have been there for 30 days and on the guy will be there another 30 days. Both over 60 so nice premium but FU is a pain in the ass.
I think I heard it before lol. It's true though.

Here is an example. She called me a month or so ago. Said she wanted to cancel the policy. I could tell she was expecting a fight. I said no problem let me review it with you real quick. She said no need, her financial advisor has been after her for several months to relocate the premium to something else. . Me: no problem. I will call you right back with the insurance company on the phone. If you like we can add the advisor to the call also. ( I really wanted him on the call)

If she canceled that day she would have gotten $13,383. If she waits a couple more months and cancels in November she gets $16,869, Guaranteed. Her 'advisor' told her it was just an expensive term, no money back.


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I don't care what you sell, but if it's to the baby boomer crowd, you're golden. And those folks have their financials together much more than future Millenials and Gen X'ers and beyond

As a Millenial/Gen X'er family that bootstrapped their way from poor to upper middle class (which apparently isn't a normal thing to do successfully) in 13 years, it isn't easy to do.

I don't sell FE. I agree, it takes more sales ability and effort than working in Medicare.