Is It Just Me

Or, are there others out there that believe that Obamacare, in it's present form, will lead to a new class of un/underinsured?

I have a fairly broad client base, like any other health agent, from the lower middle class that buy hospital indemnity plans to the comfortable class that overspend for health insurance.

It's the middle/middle that I'm a little concerned about, those that are making just enough to cover all of their bases, but would not qualify for a subsidy. Will these people pay the exhorbitant prices that will come in the future?

It doesn't seem that the movement to hospital and supplement plans is that far fetched for the middle, and the upper lower and lower middle class will have affordable coverage.
Or, are there others out there that believe that Obamacare, in it's present form, will lead to a new class of un/underinsured?

I have a fairly broad client base, like any other health agent, from the lower middle class that buy hospital indemnity plans to the comfortable class that overspend for health insurance.

It's the middle/middle that I'm a little concerned about, those that are making just enough to cover all of their bases, but would not qualify for a subsidy. Will these people pay the exhorbitant prices that will come in the future?

It doesn't seem that the movement to hospital and supplement plans is that far fetched for the middle, and the upper lower and lower middle class will have affordable coverage.

Ahhh the law of unintended consequences....Don't forget to add the injustice of a penalty tax to that as well.
It certainly looks like carriers will increase rates until the exchanges come into play. At that point they will have to lower their premiums to be competitive with the state-run pools.
It certainly looks like carriers will increase rates until the exchanges come into play. At that point they will have to lower their premiums to be competitive with the state-run pools.

With loss ratio restrictions carriers are limited on how much they can continue to raise rates
Health insurance, even in the exchange, is toast unless this monster is repealed. The carriers will not dance to Obama's tune once we get to 2014, if they even stay in the game that long.
Health insurance, even in the exchange, is toast unless this monster is repealed. The carriers will not dance to Obama's tune once we get to 2014, if they even stay in the game that long.

Yes, if nothing changes, I would be surprised if we have all of the carriers we have now for 3 more years.

Will the reform actually lower the number of uninsured or increase it?
Half the uninsured are supposed to go on Medicaid, so if the funds are there there will be more insured. As with most things, the middle class will get screwed on this deal.
I think lots of folks will be dropping their current coverage because of rising costs. It's already happening more than normal & will increase as time goes by. Reform bill will crash the system, cause major disruption, and "the people" I think will eventually revolt, not the insurance carriers.

Mini-meds and indemnity plans will be the only affordable option for many, or simply self-insure & go without.

Great future ahead huh?
Maybe I'm naive but will mini meds and other plans like these even be allowed to be sold? I though all Health Insurance had to meet some of the basic HCR mandates.

...the Obama administration has it out for the Middle Class. Very much like other Marxist-style leaders.
If nothing changes with the bill we will look Germany's health care system. They have about 70% on subsidized plans and 30% in private plans.

I think the middle class and especially the upper middle class will be the only prospects to write. These people will go outside the exchange to get a better rate through underwriting. These are the people that will not qualify for a subsidy.