Is It Just Me

Eventually the way things are going its not going to be worth working anymore.

Husband, wife, 4 children: Self employed but have AGI of 29k after expenses.

Here is what they get:

$2416 per month to live on
$3100 Tax refund (due to EIC and Child Tax Credit)
$350 Per month food stamps
Medicaid for their kids (estimate $150 benefit per child)
$600 per month

This is the equivalent of making an additional $1200 per month in these benefits.

Where is the incentive to work?
Eventually the way things are going its not going to be worth working anymore.

Husband, wife, 4 children: Self employed but have AGI of 29k after expenses.

Here is what they get:

$2416 per month to live on
$3100 Tax refund (due to EIC and Child Tax Credit)
$350 Per month food stamps
Medicaid for their kids (estimate $150 benefit per child)
$600 per month

This is the equivalent of making an additional $1200 per month in these benefits.

Where is the incentive to work?

Watch out some Crazy Libtard will come in and mandate incomes, you think its crazy in My state the Govenor came in and mandated minimum starting pay for Teacher even though the contracts are negotiated at the local level and paid for in majority by local tax dollars...not to mention since these starting pay scales were just given away do you think the negotiating teams were happy of course they could drop that without having to give in to something from the other side and put another item of their agenda out their...Baldacci was poised to mandate wages for childcare centers, not that it might be nice for these people to be paid more but the money to pay them has to come from somewhere and reality finally set in that based on the wages he wanted to mandate along with the states mandated employee to child ratios would have put more mainers out of work because they where better off sitting at home for nothing then working for a wage just to turn around and pay a tax on it and pay daycare expenses....Un-Intended consequences.
I think the middle class and especially the upper middle class will be the only prospects to write. These people will go outside the exchange to get a better rate through underwriting. These are the people that will not qualify for a subsidy.

So what changes? These are the only customers for Major Med now. Oh yea, I almost forgot, the commission.
This is the functional equivalent of those old movies where everyone on planet earth is resigned to destruction - they're just sitting around waiting for the giant meteor to hit.
We have a presidential election between now and 2014 which Obamacare will need to cross over in tact (hint: it won't).

That doesnt necessarily mean that the republicans are going to torpedo everything and it is back to the good old days and the bad dream has gone away. If anything, you have to deal with Hillary running on a platform of "elect me because Obama frigged health care up and as we know the republicans can only say no to something but have no plan of their own."

More change coming.
Well, personally, I think you are on the right track conceptually.
This is class based.
This health insurance thing is really all about one thing. Access.
Something we can all agree on. It is a mathematical impossibility for 308 million Americans to ALL have their choice of PCP, cardiologist, podiatrist,etc.
So, what will determine who will have this desired access?
Wealth or insurance or wealth and taxation. Canada has a 16% sales tax, etc. 6 domestic beer is $14; if you buy a new car you pay an excise tax of $5000, cigarettes are over $12 and oh yeah, you'll sometimes wait 1 1/2 years for your non emergency operation from your assigned doctor.
As long as a middle class individual can come up with the money to have more access than Hobo Hank who will wait 10 hours at the free clinic to see an intern; then this industry ain't go'n nowhere.
And the wealthy, as they do now, will just cut a check when necessary.
Let's face it? Insurance is for middle class folk; not for the rich or indigent.
I know, truth hurts.