Is PPL really terrible? I ask because....

I have been a PPL Member for almost 7 years now, and they have 100% been there for me. When I was at fault in an auto accident, they represented me in court, and got me a lesser charge, and lower court fee.

When we lived in an apartment, they helped me evict the noisy neighbor next to us, who played their stereo too loud against my daughter's bedroom wall.

When our car was stolen, they did almost all the work in bringing the illegal alien who stole it to trial, and he was convicted.

We have done our wills through them.

I, too, had it in my bag of tricks, but, like others, am just a member now. It, and SendoutCards, are the only two MLM's who have a truly great product. And, oddly enough, their reps don't pressure you to be part of their downline, once you let your feelings known.

It's a class act organization.

Yes, a truly great product. That really is the key. I found out, many of you may know already, that PPL started out as a direct sales organization. Then one of the guys selling it introduced Mr. Stonecipher to network marketing. Sales doubled in a year and the rest is as they say history.

I am more and more convinced that for the right product MLM is a great way to get it to the people. PPL is one of those products.