Is search and save worth switching to?


1000 Post Club
I did a free trial a yr ago and didnt like the interface vs connecture . I found it cumbersome and honestly didnt spend much time on it . But this year im going to be running 100’s and 100’s of plans and dr’s . Im weary of depending on medicare center and honestly would like a seperate system . Also connecture on dr’s not good . I have to look up seperately on carrier website .Search and save uses connecture . Is the pricing it spits out super accurate ? When you put dr’s names in don't they populate under each plan the drs in network with? Thats what i really like . Not having to go to each carriers web site . My question is how accurate is it ? I know some people on here have been using for years . Is this all you use for drug and dr lookup ? Somebody is saying this is very slow and spins for minitues ? Is that true ? Hows there customer service ? Can i call and talk to anyone ?
I've used it exclusively for drug pricing for the past two to three years. My upline has a proprietary tool but it isn't nearly as accurate. Pros: drug pricing accuracy, ability to send nice looking comparison reports to clients. Cons: somewhat slow, price just went up to $35/mo. I really can't say anything about the accuracy of doctors because I don't use it for that.
For someone who makes 12 figures a month, why are you being so cheap? Buy a subscription and make your own judgement
It’s not the money . I don’t want to waste my time learning a new system if it’s going ti be slow as hell
We love it for drugs. I don’t search docs. I make clients call.

Is it super fast? No.

Did I run the 20% who hit $500 in costs at Medicare, too? YES. And got 100% accuracy.

It depends on what you want.

Last year, we ran the 80% and sent it to clients with “hold” on their PDP emails.

The 20% had calls scheduled but the info was already in there.

If you want it in the field for new clients, it’s probably too slow.

Right now we are auditing to see who we don’t have and asking them to update it. Emails start the day after Labor Day asking for confirmation it’s right.

Then we separate them based on the 20% plus plan changes. So for this year, who knows.

20% get scheduled first.
80% is why I’m researching alcohol rehabs for Dec 8