Is There Any Difference In the Driving Record Odered ?

John Peterr

New Member

Can you help me out?

I want to have a driving record for insurance discount in Texas, My question is - Is there any difference in the driving record ordered to get insurance discount in Texas and driving record ordered to submit to the court for ticket dismissal ?
I get questions like this occasionally, just not the same wording. I've had several people I've ran auto quotes for list a not-at-fault accident on their violations application, only to find out the MVR came back at-fault.

in my experience, it runs about 30/70. 30% of the time the customer is right and after obtaining a police report and submitting to the BMV, their MVR was corrected. the other 70% were either BS'ing or didn't realize they were at fault (go figure!).

I think this poster is asking a similar question, only he's trying to get out of a ticket instead of an at-fault charge.