Is this IEP Med Supp sale valid?

There’s something wrong about an agent posting for help, and one of the responses is full of confusing and false information by someone who admits to not being a licensed agent. Why are people allowed to post here that aren’t qualified to do so?

There's a non-agent that's been posting a lot in the FE Forum for 1 1/2 years or more, He asks lots of questions and starts a lot of threads. I think 1/2 of his posts are trying to start sh*t. .....NuUzr.
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There’s something wrong about an agent posting for help, and one of the responses is full of confusing and false information by someone who admits to not being a licensed agent. Why are people allowed to post here that aren’t qualified to do so?

So let's get me educated. What have I posted that you consider to be FALSE information?
There’s something wrong about an agent posting for help, and one of the responses is full of confusing and false information by someone who admits to not being a licensed agent. Why are people allowed to post here that aren’t qualified to do so?


And, I will also say that if OP comes back and says that my post is confusing and of no use to him or her and would prefer that it be removed from the thread, I have no objection to doing that.
Now you know why so many seniors are sooooo confused. Most insurance agents put out Bad info about Medicare.

First, the 7 month rule applies to eligibility to sign up for Medicare parts A&B. You need these as a prerequisite for everything else Medicare. 3 months before eligibility date month to 3 months after that month plus the month you become eligible. Medicare always starts on the first of a month.

The IEP referred to in the question posed is particularly for parts C & D... and it’s only when you are first eligible for Medicare (turning 65 or 25th month after disabled date). After that there are a handful of designations which all indicate some kind of special election period where you can add, drop, modify, change your Parts C&D coverages. Medicare Advantage (part C) and Rx coverage (part D) are like your employer health plans. You have enrollment periods and no health questions during open (AEP)/special election periods (SEP) and if you miss the date... we’ll come back next year or find an SEP to allow access. Oh you also will have to deal with carrier networks of doctors, hospitals, providers, etc.

Original Medicare allows you to choose most any doctor or hospital and you pay a co-payment and/or deductible based upon the Medicare Approved amount for a service. MediGap Plans pay some or all of what Medicare doesn’t pay. You can apply for a Med Supp aka MediGap plan (11 plans with letters A-N) anytime you are eligible for and receiving (or will be receiving) “Original Medicare” parts A&B. If you are in the OEP (6 months starting when you first receive Part B) or in a Guarenteed Issue period basically when you lose other creditable (not retirement plans) health coverage you can sign up without having to answer a page of Health questions which most begin with the phrase IN THE LAST 2 YEARS HAVE YOU... if not in a guaranteed issue period you will need to qualify through underwriting to be approved (wrote an 80 year old on Friday )
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First, the 7 month rule applies to eligibility to sign up for Medicare parts A&B. You need these as a prerequisite for everything else Medicare. 3 months before eligibility date month to 3 months after that month plus the month you become eligible. Medicare always starts on the first of a month.

According to CMS the 7 month rule apples to ELIGIBILITY to sign up for ALL four parts of Medicare; A, B, C and D.

And, as many posts in these forums indicate, it is important to keep in mind that just because one is ELIGIBLE to sign up for something, does not mean they will actually do so.

It may also be misleading to suggest that one has to have signed up for BOTH parts A and B in order to receive Part D.
Now you know why so many seniors are sooooo confused. Most insurance agents put out Bad info about Medicare.

First, the 7 month rule applies to eligibility to sign up for Medicare parts A&B. You need these as a prerequisite for everything else Medicare. 3 months before eligibility date month to 3 months after that month plus the month you become eligible
. Medicare always starts on the first of a month.

Hahaha, I guess that includes you. You're talking about Parts C and D...not Medicare Supplements. :twitchy:
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I’ve never seen ONE person say you need A and B to sign up for D.

There you go:

Now you know why so many seniors are sooooo confused. Most insurance agents put out Bad info about Medicare.

First, the 7 month rule applies to eligibility to sign up for Medicare parts A&B. You need these as a prerequisite for everything else Medicare.