It Seems More and More People Not Answering the Phone.Door Knocking Might Be the Wave of the Future

What makes everybody think people aren't home when they don't answer the door? ive gone to houses and knocked on the door. I could hear people inside go SHOOOSH and get quiet. you got people these days who will not answer a phone call from anybody they don't know. And they won't answer a knock at the door from anyone they don't recognize. Does anybody have an outside the box strategy for dealing with those hardcases? :err:

Sounds like the crap I use to go through when working in the big city! Try calling and leaving a message, saying that you're outside with the check. And try yelling, "I got the check!"

When they call back or open the door, they will say "what check"?

Then let them know that you're the "suranceman" and that you're there and ya gots ta "check" and see what they can qualify for!
I agree with this and maybe if you are in the same neighborhood/area try door knocking them again. Sooner or later they will be outside or with the door open.

What do you do if the gate is locked? anybody ever jumped the fence? what about a loose dog? do you go back later?
What do you do if the gate is locked? anybody ever jumped the fence? what about a loose dog? do you go back later?

I'm maybe 8 months ft in the field and I would have to say as much as I try to door knock even tm leads that said no to me even I wouldn't continue. I would wait a while and return a few weeks later maybe.
But does it come naturally? ;)

Most of the time, hey what was the question??


Sounds like the crap I use to go through when working in the big city! Try calling and leaving a message, saying that you're outside with the check. And try yelling, "I got the check!"

When they call back or open the door, they will say "what check"?

Then let them know that you're the "suranceman" and that you're there and ya gots ta "check" and see what they can qualify for!

Cmon Doug this is gonna get someone shot or killt:D:D
I have door knocked exclusively at times and set appointments over the phone at other times exclusively. When I door knock, I did a lot of driving only to knock on doors of empty houses. When I only set appointments without any door knocking then I missed a lot of people that simply wont answer their phones or set appointments. What I do now is kind of a hybrid...I set appointments and go see those people. If I finish early or get porched, then I will find all the leads that are within my immediate vicinity (gps) and pull out those leads from my stack. Then I will sit in my car and call the phone number on each lead. When I call them, Im not looking to set an appointment...Im just checking to see if they are home. If they answer, I usually say "hello is Bob there?" They usually say "you have the wrong number". I apologize and hang up...then navigate over to that house because they answered the phone...likely home. If they don't answer the phone...they are not likely at home...I dial the next lead and repeat. I realize that lots of people these days have cell phones and they could be answering their cell phone while they are away from home...but I have found that this gives me a better chance of success than blindly driving to the house and finding out the hard way. I actually got this idea from a recording of Dan I cannot take the credit for this. I have been doing this with pretty good success. It aint perfect, but it puts the odds in my favor a little bit more than blind door knocking without calling first. Incidentally, I did have one lady ask me..."hey did you call me about 20 minutes ago?" Ooops. "Uh yes ma'am I think I dialed your number by about that card you mailed us..."