It Was Bound to Happen!


100+ Post Club
Well I figured something like this would happen eventually:

Health Insurers Won't Cover 6-Year-Old Gainesville Girl - News Story - WSB Atlanta

This is an unusual situation but still. And since the child is perfectly healthy (according to the story) the reason why insurers won't cover kids-only isn't really covered here. But alas that is the news.

Anyone have an idea for these people? Let me see, they can start a business and get group insurance!
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Until the health insurance industry can explain it in terms people can understand, this will just be par for the course. And I doubt that it is even possible to get people to understand why unlimited risk on a child with existing health conditions for $100-$200 a month in premium is unacceptable to a business.
I get calls for children daily. Prior to Obamacare, insurance companies would have been happy to underwite and insure children. But due to Obamacare, the new law has force insurance companies to stop writing children only policies.
I had the exact same scenario come up yesterday - both parents on Medicare and three children ages 24, 4, and 5. They are coming off of Medicaid at the end of the month since they're no longer eligible, but they were able to apply as HIPAA-eligible for a fully underwritten policy. Each child had to be put on a separate policy....if they weren't coming off Medicaid, they'd be in the same situation as the people in the article.
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Parents can apply for coverage with another carrier in GA as a family. Solved.

Article says both parents are on Medicare.
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Write their Congress critters. It is their fault this piece of crap law was passed.

Actually, it wasn't the law that created this mess so much as it ws the edict from HHS Shebullshits. The law gave carriers the ability to review applications on an accept/deny basis.

HHS changed all that when they put their own spin on it by making it GI.
No risk pools in GA. Might qualify for PCIP since technically the child has been denied, even if not for medical reasons.
No risk pools in GA. Might qualify for PCIP since technically the child has been denied, even if not for medical reasons.

That is what I was thinking, but doesn't look like they have gotten that advice. I still say they can:

1) start their own business with both as ee's and pay all the state fees that come along with THAT
2) get a quote for small group coverage with BCBS, and apply
3) child covered

I really don't know if that would work or not. Never saw it done with both ee's over 65. Hey they will be starting a new business venture in their golden years. They started a family didn't they. Wow.