Jami Rice - IMS - A word of Caution

This is crazy. Bank of America again debited my account for the $450 that Jami stole from me. I've gone around and around with the bank on this and even directed them to this forum. I make the claim, get the money back in my account and then after a response from IMS they take the money back. My bank is siding with and allowing them to steal money from me. This claim has been going back and forth since July 07. I did use a debit card.
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As I may have mentioned earlier, I suspected she pulled some money out of my Discover card. I provided proof to Discover and they promptly gave me a credit and issued new cards. No problems since.

I used a credit card. I do not use debit cards for that reason.
You have to fight BOA tooth & nail.

I had someone get my company debit card info, including the CV number on the back, and order Google ads two years ago. I only use the card in person, never online. They took almost $2k out of my account over the weekend before I could get it stopped. I had to fight BOA for 3 months, threatening to sue, before they finally credited my account.

Once I got my money I fired them and never looked back. I had used BOA for over 10 years without incident before this.
Can anyone tell me if Insurance Marketing Services is also out in California. The guys I spoke to are in California but they are from N.Y. Thier website is annuitygoldmine com and their address is:

2180 Westwood Blvd Suite Westwood, CA 90025

I have spoke to a guy named Neil.............. I've been ripped off before buy preset annuity appointment companies and I am wondering if this is the same one you all are talking about ???

Hi, I wanted to know if this company you are referring to is the same one as Insurance Marketing Services out of California?

I'm sorry if I'm not doing this correctly with writing the messages..........it's the first time I've ever wrote on a post.

Anyway, please let me know if this is the same company or not. The company I'm dealing with is out of California and they are called "Insurance Marketing Services" and they are from N.Y. ???

I've been burned before and don't want to get burned agian.

Hi, I wanted to know if this company you are referring to is the same one as Insurance Marketing Services out of California?

I'm sorry if I'm not doing this correctly with writing the messages..........it's the first time I've ever wrote on a post.

Anyway, please let me know if this is the same company or not. The company I'm dealing with is out of California and they are called "Insurance Marketing Services" and they are from N.Y. ???

I've been burned before and don't want to get burned agian.


Do you have a link to the companies you're referring to? That's helpful. Thanks