Jami Rice - IMS - A word of Caution


I agree completely, but with all that has happened with this company, I am pleased to have a "paper trail record" of communication, with these people.

You didn't say who you received the e-mail from. Was it from the same e-mail address as others you have received from Jami or a different one?

If it was from the same e-mail address I would be suspicious.
I'd be suspicious anyway! Odds are slim someone will be buying a small telemarketing outfit like that one!!
My last post was from the SAME email address that Jami always used to send emails to me, so I think that Jami Rice at IMS is aware that her name is now mud, and is going to pretend that she does not work there anymore...I think it is just a scam to try to control the damage.

Why would the buy her out instead of simply starting another company without her. This is all just too ridiculous.

I doubt that the company is viable enough for a "buy out". It does sound like BS to me.
A cat can crap in a litter box and then cover it up...the question is: is the crap still there or gone becasue it is covered up?

With that type of insight, no wonder you are a genuis. You always seem to hit the nail on the head. Keep it up. God I love this Forum:policeman:
However the "new & improved" company occurs, please keep us all posted on the happenings.

With respect to the "buyout" that may simply have been a personnel issue....here's some money now go away and don't even consider suing us!
New Guy, and Everyone else....
I went to my bank yesterday, and presented them with all of the emails as evidence (no contract needed) and guess what? They ripped the money right back from them and deposited it into my account this morning...

then later today... I got an email from Insurance Marketing Services saying that they will mail me a check...I guess they dont even know I was credited back...

so now I have cancelled all cards associated with this account so noone else can swipe my hard earned cash... Lesson Learned... Thanks for the support. Have a great day!