Jami Rice - IMS - A word of Caution

I'm very pleased for you.

I would not tell them about the amount being credited to your account. I would let them send the check and make them ask for it back. Then take your sweet time sending it to them or make them stop payment on it.

One of my favorite sayings is, "Time wounds all heels".

Good idea.. I have already transferred the amount I got back to another account, and I have the balance under $5. I will keep it there for a while...
Regarding the check, that was my idea also..What comes around, goes around...

I know that sort of behavior regarding holding their check is breeding "bad karma", but "Hey Earl, even though its bad karma, at least karma recognized me, I am somebody, I am someone special. Karma knows my name too!" LOL:)

Quote from that "My name is Earl" show...........

Anyways... thanks for the support. Independent agents need to be able to share their experiences with one another for support, and this forum is a very good place to do that. Cheers!

They are not paying me twice. I will not cash the check that they are supposedly sending...but remember, they also said 2x that they refunded my money and never did... so I doubt that they will ever send the check anyway.

I am sure you were just kidding anyway. Heck I will mail you the check when I get it if you want...Don't blame me if/when it bounces. I'm sure it will. LOL
Nice work! Thanks for informing everyone about this situation.

I used this company last year and got plenty of leads, all that had in the comments box...interested, call next week!! Call next week on all of them?? Something smells fishy!

There are better options out there!!
Same happened to me. Talked to her on the phone about billing discrepancy and my card was hit the moment our call ended which was before the bill was due. My calls went not returned and the bank reversed the charge. Haven't heard from her since. Though my bank just asked for additional supporting documentation. Other than the billing problem leads received included people on the state medicaid program, diabetics, several heart attacks, over 65, and many stating they distinctly told the tele person they are not interested. It appears that some telemarketers think it's a lead if someone answers the phone. And I ordered 15 per week and received 4 per week. Live and learn.
Lessons learned...

1. NEVER use a DEBIT card

2. NEVER argue with them by email - this is a waste of time. Do it via certified mail and dispute on credit card.

You are getting your blood pressure and health all worked up over $300 and email threads back and forth.

I just don't think email is appropriate to settle a dispute. Do it in writing.
Lessons learned...

1. NEVER use a DEBIT card

2. NEVER argue with them by email - this is a waste of time. Do it via certified mail and dispute on credit card.

You are getting your blood pressure and health all worked up over $300 and email threads back and forth.

I just don't think email is appropriate to settle a dispute. Do it in writing.

Actually, on one of my charges for a product that isn't doing what was advertised, using my debit card (as a VISA) is offering me better protection than my visa offers me directly. If you do it as a debit charge, this is not true, but as long as it is processed as a credit card, you should have at least as good a protection. In my specific case, the opportunity to dispute is much longer, giving me a better chance to work it out with the vendor.

Email is useless. It's unfortunate, because I think we all want to do the right thing. Something isn't working out as we want, mention it, hope it gets fixed. Probably works 90% of the time. After that though, email is ignored. I know, I'm about to go send one final email to the vendor who is ignoring my emails, simply to make me feel better.


P.S. No, this isn't Jaime. It's some automation software that doesn't ACT correctly.