Joe Friday Isn't Keen on Change Either

To me, David Letterman looks more like a chimp than any other human being I can possibly think of.

Ah, the death of television and entertainment in general. I can't even find a good movie to see this weekend!
Winter -- when you call a black man a "chimp", that's overt racism to me. From reading your posts, however, I think you are different. You are judging the man by his politics, not the color of his skin like S Gordon obviously was in his/her pathetic post.


Okay. If I may be permitted a small clarification for anyone who may have dropped into the middle of this thread. When you say "you" , you mean "the generic you" as I did not call him that and will similarly disassociate myself from that along with others.

I do think that the plethora of cartoons portraying Bush as a chimp shows that it is not limited to racist expressions but the fact of life is that it plays out differently when one is in fact black so tis best to stay clear of it.
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Didn't mean "you" personally, Winter -- was using it generically as you suggest. You seem to fall into the category of a conservative that dislikes Obama because of his politics, not his race. Good for you!

There are others, unfortunately, who exhibit overt racism -- and I have a problem with racial bigots. We should be above that by now as a country and as individual citizens.

I agree with you completely that it's best to drop the whole race card issue entirely. Unfortunately, the racists won't let go.

There are others, unfortunately, who exhibit overt racism -- and I have a problem with racial bigots. We should be above that by now as a country and as individual citizens.

I agree with you completely that it's best to drop the whole race card issue entirely. Unfortunately, the racists won't let go.


I do think that it is important to offer up a gentle reminder that we do have black people in this country who have attained high position. Colin Powell and Condi Rice being prime examples. The libs treated both of them as non-entities because they are conservative (colin powell only so-so). Many of the dems still have a plantation mentality wherein the feel that the democratic party owns women and blacks and if you go off the reservation they will try to destroy you. Condi's response to some of her lib critics for being conservative: "I have been black for a long time. I don't need anyone telling me how to be black." Love it.

I remember just a few months ago when Barbara the Bitch Boxer had that shoot out with the head of the Black Chamber of Commerce. He later said that was just Boxer being Boxer and that she talked minority rights all day but denigrated Condi Rice every time she appeared at hearings and then he said "Condi Rice is someone I would be pleased to have my childrend and grandchildren emulate." He's da man. Condi is a conservative and it is okay to disagree on that but otherwise she is an extremely polite, bright, accomplished person who came out of troubled Selma and is an exaample of everything that is right about this country. Just because she did not come out of Acorn and all that victim mentality the libs would not and will not even recognize her journey. Again, because she left the democratic plantation. If you are minority and interested in free enterprise or self-reliance and love your country and openly speak about how great it is then that spells Republican to them and they feel obligated to tear you down and ensure that you are not allowed to speak for minorities.

Condi grew up with school girl friends who were killed in the bombings in Birmingham yet is filled with gratitude toward this country despite it all. Obama however is associated with bombers rather than bombees and is a former Acorn employee. Things you will never hear Condi say "the first time in my life I was proud to be an American was when a member of my family was nominated for president" or "America is a downright mean country."

Longwinded way of saying I hope that all of this backlash against Obama big government, Acorn, Rev. Wright, etc will result in giving minorities more choices then just the angry bitched out Acorn, Barbara Boxer, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright, Cynthia McKinney models to follow. The welfare state and professional victim programs have destroyed a lot of people but the dems do not want to see that plantation broken up. There is a lot of money being pimped out of that environment by blacks and their white masters higher up in all the dem government programs and non-profits.
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