Just wondering about commission rates

Travis Price

1000 Post Club
I've done very minimal Term insurance.

I'm wondering, what does an average commission/renewal look like?
Most companies 80-90% avg on FYC...depending on the company, product, and your production. Most term policies have no renewal. Some offer a tiny one for a short time, but nothing like permanent products.
Thanks, that's about what I found... It's a bit disappointing. I don't really want to sell FE. I wanted to do a simple term product, but the comm is kind of lackluster. I mean, premiums would need to be over 50 a month to get me excited.
If you did enough of them, could you look at it as a long term medicare feeder list, building your own T65 list?
At one time I sold term insurance nationwide. Back then you could buy a true exclusive lead at a decent price. You wouldn't think a 65 year old farmer in Montana would buy a $5M policy from an agent in FL that he never met, but he did. Sold many large premium cases.

Now you can't get a decent lead so I don't target that market. Still work my book and sell quite a few. Placed a $30,000AP in February. Had a contractor with a $500,000 policy call me yesterday about converting. One client wants to sell his policy so I am getting offers. Always money to be made, but no renewals.