Lady May be With LH But She Has Got It Going On!

I couldn't agree more with you. Too many times agents think the reason they cant sell is because they dont have the cheapest policy to offer or the lead quality doesnt fit their needs. You hear this alot on these forums.

Simply put "producers produce".

That alone is why most agents fail.
I don't know if you guys have noticed this but it's like 20% of the people produce 80% of the sales , or something like that.
She would be successful no matter where she goes for one key reason. She absolutely is PASSIONATE about what she does and the company she represents. I bet her persistancy is great also, because even though folks can save money, she is their agent and they bought her. Not her product or LH.
I only wish it was as territorial as it is because I really do admire her tenacity. I also feel the same about Dave Duford, Doug Massi, Cody askins, and Lauro Herrero & Orlando, the millenial liberator. Whatch all of their videos. Love them all...