Lead generation Free offer CRM

His free offer is something that each of you in need of increasing your lead generation should consider taking advantage of.

What do you get out of it?

On web boards and email lists, when someone 'touts' the product or service of someone else, the tradition is that they post the words:

"Usual disclaimers apply."

This is shorthand for stating they have ZERO financial interest or investment connection and that they don't receive any kind of remuneration, fee, kick-back, commission, etc. to whatever they are endorsing. It also means that the reader uses the product, service, etc. at their own risk and that the poster is not responsible for whatever the outcome might be. It's the internet's "cover your ass (CYA)" statement so that posters won't get sued for endorsing something that eventually causes someone some damage (financial, physical, etc.)

Mike it is fair to ask: What is your 'deal' with Gary... or do 'usual disclaimers apply' here?

No wrong answer. If you get something from Gary, that's fine... but you should disclose it in the interest of fairness and honesty.

Well no one can win here is seems.

We're trying to stay away from "Jami" situations. In that situation no one had any idea how many calls here being made or how long any telemarketer was working on a campaign.

So how did the client know if the telemarketer was only calling 1 hour and generating 2 leads yet billed for 3 hours? Huge problem.

Gary's company solves that problem. You receive a print out of how many hours the marketer made calls, how many numbers were dialed and how many calls were answered. On top of that voice mails can be left on machines - which can not happen when manually dialing.

So with Gary's system it can all be nipped in the bud.

Jami: "Well we made 2 hours of calls today for you and only got one lead." You can't see the results so you simply have to trust her.

Gary's: "Well me made 2 hours of call today and only got one lead." However, for his system you get a report. You can make sure 2 hours of calls were made, see how many people picked up the phone and catch "getting conned" in the bud:

"Ok Gary, I'm looking at the report from yesterday. I see the marketer was logged in for 2 hours, 140 numbers were dialed, 55 people answered and only 1 lead? So how is it possible to speak with 55 people and not generate a lead?"
What do you get out of it?

On web boards and email lists, when someone 'touts' the product or service of someone else, the tradition is that they post the words:

"Usual disclaimers apply."

This is shorthand for stating they have ZERO financial interest or investment connection and that they don't receive any kind of remuneration, fee, kick-back, commission, etc. to whatever they are endorsing. It also means that the reader uses the product, service, etc. at their own risk and that the poster is not responsible for whatever the outcome might be. It's the internet's "cover your ass (CYA)" statement so that posters won't get sued for endorsing something that eventually causes someone some damage (financial, physical, etc.)

Mike it is fair to ask: What is your 'deal' with Gary... or do 'usual disclaimers apply' here?

No wrong answer. If you get something from Gary, that's fine... but you should disclose it in the interest of fairness and honesty.



I am a client of Gary's and have been satisfied with his service to date. I am getting nothing out of this other than a 'thanks' from Gary. I have paid him in full for all of his services.

Good luck.

I don't even use Gary's services. He did a demo for me and I was quite impressed. Then other agents I know and trust signed up with him and reported good results.

So it's pretty tough for me to get a kick back on services I don't even use. Why don't I use his services? Because of I have local marketing I'm focusing on right now as well as a project. That doesn't change the fact that a lot of people are looking for a decent system for telemarketing.
pm me Gary, I like the idea for testing your hassle free predictive dialers. Is this a three line dialer? My bad, I think it is a predictive dialer because your systems are dialing 120 plus calls an hour...
I'd like to try out your system. What happens if you don't use it for 10 hours a week?

Then don't waste his time. Think about it from Gary's perspective. He is giving up his time and knowledge to show you the value of his service so you will pay for it in the future when you see what it does for you. If someone can't committ to 10 hours a week, they probably won't see the value, therefore wasting his time. In fact, I wouldn't try licensing his system unless there were at least 10 hours a week of calls made, just to justify the cost.
I have used Gary's system here in Houston. It definitely works. You can get 3-4 leads per hour depending on the skills of the one making the calls. You must be willing to keep people on the phones at least from 9-11am & 3-5 pm.

His system works because of the technology and the amount of calls it can make. I believe renting a marker and using Gary's system is the most efficient and economical way to go, especially if you want a 100 leads per week which I need for myself and new agent
His system works because of the technology and the amount of calls it can make. I believe renting a marker and using Gary's system is the most efficient and economical way to go, especially if you want a 100 leads per week which I need for myself and new agent

What do you mean by the phrase "renting a marker"? Did you mean to say marketer, as in telemarketer?