Lead of the Day. Maybe My Entire Career!


1000 Post Club
Father calls up today looking for health ins for,
1) 14 yr old son recovering from a gunshot wound, and,
2) 15 year old pregnant daughter.
Are you saying he shot the boy for diddleing with the girl?
Welcome to Kentucky!
That's unbeatable. I have one from a few days ago that reminded me of yours.

A guy was viewing quotes from my site and left a voicemail that he wanted to talk to me right away to get coverage. Of course, you know where this is heading.

I called him about an hour later and he tells me: "Thanks for calling. I can't talk right now because I'm at the chiropractor's office. Can I call you later?"
I had a mother call me today for her 16yr old daughter. Daughter is 5'6"/270 with herpes... needs to find coverage asap because ex-husband dropped daughter off his group coverage. Nice huh? Thx dad!