Leadbot Have Any Comments

I understand your situation but my whole team uses them and no one has been "ripped off". Nothing is perfect, as you know, but Lead Bot has been a good company to partner with. If I saw or heard from my team what you describe, I would have moved from them a long time ago. I called for an hour today and closed a case for almost $1000 in premium. That is usually the norm for an hour's worth of calling.

Heck it doesn't make any difference to me if you don't like Lead Bot, but I think you have to work more than one or two orders to let the numbers work for you. It actually sounds like the rep you were working with didn't explain things up front.

Anyway, no sense in beating a dead horse.. Good Luck!
I understand your situation but my whole team uses them and no one has been "ripped off". Nothing is perfect, as you know, but Lead Bot has been a good company to partner with. If I saw or heard from my team what you describe, I would have moved from them a long time ago. I called for an hour today and closed a case for almost $1000 in premium. That is usually the norm for an hour's worth of calling.

Heck it doesn't make any difference to me if you don't like Lead Bot, but I think you have to work more than one or two orders to let the numbers work for you. It actually sounds like the rep you were working with didn't explain things up front.

Anyway, no sense in beating a dead horse.. Good Luck!

Yep, the horse is dead alright.

I hear you about working more than one order of leads... the discussion wasn't about the quality of the leads, although that was in question as well with my limited experience with LeadBot, but the main issue is one of TRUST. If you cannot TRUST when you have a convo with someone that the results of that convo are worth anything, then it matters NOT about the lead quality.

What it boils down to is, if you don't feel comfortable about the TRUST placed in a company, they cannot be in possession of your credit card data because they will rip you off, then you have the wrong lead company. In my case, they could have easily made this right, as I wasn't asking them for much, but any company that has ZERO flexibility, IS the WRONG CO, period. And that is LeadBot... ZERO flex... not honest with me, and that is that.

And I will take every oppty to let anyone know what a low-down piece of crap company that they were in dealing with me... and if it saves ONE person from that experience in the future, then my efforts are worthwhile.
Marker77, may I ask roughly how experienced you are in the business? I am newer and elsewhere when I mentioned trepidation, part of it has to due with me not being able to close internet leads quickly enough. Any overview on the process you use once you contact the lead would be highly appreciated. A lot of the training I have received is associated with failed planning, graphs, and BS vs. a legal pad and pen with a quick close. Thanks!

SportsNut, are you referring to an automatic lead purchasing arrangement? I have seen that some companies are structured this way. If I do proceed with a lead service, I would like to try out their minimum/1st batch (for the ones I am considering, this is pretty substantial) and then evaluate. I would rather have a gap in my pipeline from leads with confidence and re-start the service than be in my 2nd batch of leads with a company and regretting it big time. Even the most basic life applications take some time to get an offer on... Thanks!
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I am evaluating life leads. Not concerned as much about contact versus what it's like to successfully close them. I find myself to be a different type of consumer than most prospects I contact. Or I am not turning that on in them... But when I am motivated or at least interested in buying something, I am usually working with the salesperson to make an informed decision/get a good deal.

I had a micro purchase of InsureMe leads quite some time ago. I don't view that experience as at all statistically significant.
I am interested in life insurance leads. I am concerned with getting ink on paper versus being able to initially contact them. I had a brief, non-statistically significant experience with InsureMe leads quite some time ago. I did not continue that, but maybe I should have kept track much closer. If I can get a decent ROI, that's great right now because I am having trouble getting in front of people.
Can't say anything good about them. They charged my credit card an extra 875 dollars, when and after I had told them I didn't wish to auto refill the order. Within 5 mins of that charge I was in touch with them to complain about the charge. They will not refund the charge, as their claim is they have a no-refund policy. They are simply NOT credible as a company. The worst that I have ever dealt with.

Their credit policy for bad leads is like everything else about them, cumbersome and doesn't work well. Frankly, I can't imagine anyone continuing to do business with them. They are the WORST ever.

This happened to me three times (not by Leadbot) but three lead providers mischarged me. One whacked me for $500 after I canceled. They apologized....then it was a two month battle to get the refund.

This is why now I have a separate debit card just for buying leads. The daily balance? $20. go ahead and try to whack me - it won't process.

I simply move money onto the card when a charge is due. Since I started doing that I don't see any more lead vendor "mistakes."
This happened to me three times (not by Leadbot) but three lead providers mischarged me. One whacked me for $500 after I canceled. They apologized....then it was a two month battle to get the refund.

This is why now I have a separate debit card just for buying leads. The daily balance? $20. go ahead and try to whack me - it won't process.

I simply move money onto the card when a charge is due. Since I started doing that I don't see any more lead vendor "mistakes."

This is the exact same thing that I do, I use a debit card.

I maintain a balance of $50 or so, in case I need gas or something when I'm on the road and don't have cash.

Two days before a billing is due, I slide the money over into the debit account.

I learned that one the hard way from the MCS guy.
I use an different account. I don't want anything lead related to be attached to my business checking.

I remember when it worked. Priceless. I got an email from a lead vendor stating that they could not process my card. I called and reminded them that I canceled. The rep said "yes...I see that. Sorry, just disregard." I smugly said "Don't tell me...computer error?"

I also use that method if I've been ripped off/lied to. Had a vendor tell me once they're credit some leads - so I had enough moved onto my card to handle the charge after the bad leads were credited.

Of course, they attempt to whack me for the full cost. Card fails - I get the email. When I call all of a sudden they're not going to credit me for the batch of leads with "we've reviewed it and cannot offer the credit."

I came back with "you already told me you'd credit those leads" which was just met with "well...we're sorry." I replied "well, you can be sorry, but the only amount available on my card is the proper amount. You can either run that amount or sue me. You choose."

Take a guess at what they chose
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BTW, what happened to one of the Insurance Lead threads that was near the top of the section as of last night? It was entitled 'Insurance Leads and Internet Advertising' or something close to that. It had a lot of Mike Levy of MostChoice on it.