Lincoln Heritage - what is their niche? Are they #1 as they say?

he Started off as a sales person with LH. So what he has been able to accomplish is pretty impressive and something many agents could do if they are willing to work as hard as he did. You see it right here on the forum where agents say they only work 3 or 4 days a week. You won't become the next Brad Jennings doing that.

I have come to believe that in this business, if one is willing to work like no one else is for 5 years, you will likely be able to live the rest of your life like no one else can. Of course, for some of us, working 3 or 4 days per week and clearing 100K after expenses is our version of "living like no one else can."

I admire legitimate success, and I have no reason to doubt that Brad Jennings is anything but a case of working hard and working smart.
LOL, Thats why direct mail, and tv ads work for Final Exspense... I get it now.. with Property and Casuality, and Health maybe, too.. you are dealing with 25-50 years olds you understand how to go online and buy a policy. Thats why you won't get a cold call for Car Insurance, but you will for FInal Exspence, that will probably change in the next 50 years.

One more thing about LH that I didn't see mentioned, their leads. They front you the leads and put that on account (on a count most don't got no money at first). When you leave them, they will add your lead balance to Vector. They aren't supposed to, per Vector's rules, but I guess since they are the insurance company they can hide it in the actual chargeback balance or something. I have seen many LH agents that didn't have chargebacks but were still Vectored.
One more thing about LH that I didn't see mentioned, their leads. They front you the leads and put that on account (on a count most don't got no money at first). When you leave them, they will add your lead balance to Vector. They aren't supposed to, per Vector's rules, but I guess since they are the insurance company they can hide it in the actual chargeback balance or something. I have seen many LH agents that didn't have chargebacks but were still Vectored.

So this is pretty much why the business itself has a high turnover, cause unless you really sell, it seems like with this model you can go into the RED yourself. Cause I mean your not going to close every Lead. If you get some that you can't get ahold of, then you get kinda screwed at the end.
The Truth of the matter is, Every IMO has pro's and con's. There are a bunch a talkers in this business, and a Bunch of Hard workers.

In My Opinion the Truth is very very simple. If your the type of individual who is, how do I put it , a "Beta" in this world. Meaning it's easy to stomp all over you, and chew you up and split you out back onto the pavement. You probably won't last long, because someone is going to sense it just by looking in your eyes. That person will sweet talk you into signing up.

But, if you go out there with a good head on your shoulders... Don't be a complete jerk but don't be a Pushover. Then you will probably do well in this business.

That is All.
I know LH is a captive agency, anybody know if they would let you contract with them for just Final Expense, then contract with other carriers for other products?
They will tell you "yes" but true answer is no.

I think I know what you mean. I have heard LH is very hierarchical, they want thing done there way, and they want people "all in" with them. So yes you could contract other products but you wouldn't have the time.
I understand exactly what you saying, having multiple products is like running separate business and have too many would mean that you wouldn't have full concentration on all of them.