Live Transfer Leads

Well 1st time poster here's my 2 cents. Ive been selling life insurance for about 2 years face to face, but my current situation is making it extremely hard to do that going forward so the IMO I'm with has started with phone and live transfers and recommended some companies. This has been my experience so far. All Web Leads they started me at $55 per lead and I'm licensed in 16 states. They provided about 2 to 6 calls a day some of which I had to return because they didn't meet the filter requirements. They were great leads! Converted over 60% of them, but by week 2 my phone no longer rang. So I called the company and they told me people were out bidding me thats why no calls, so I asked what the bid were and they told me $75 and up, I almost choked. After looking at my numbers from the week before I felt It would be worth it and 2 days later I upped my bid. The phones started to ring again, but only 2 to 4 calls a day came in. But once again they were high intent and sales were great. Now came week 3 phones not ringing at all, so went back to them only to find they were now at $90.00 and up, at this rate I figured it would still be a good ROI if they didn't go any higher so I upped my bid again. Calls stayed steady at about 3 to 4 a day and I had doubled my sales from the week before….Awesome right!! WRONG, come week 4 the calls stopped and I was getting maybe 1 call every other day and they were no longer quality they were complete garbage. So I went to return them and the company refused to refund them. The bids are now over $100.00 a lead.
So I looked around and signed up with Datalot they had a very slick back office and I was with them for over 2 weeks before I received my fist call who told me" F U tell them to stop calling me" their lead cost is now at or close to $90.00 a call for total shit! And they won't refund or at least they fight you on every return.
So Next came Smart Finacial yet another pay them up front company which has now made me very Leary but I bit the bullet and funded another account. 3 weeks and over a dozen calls before my phone rang even once, and yet again a bunch of very angry people on the phone saying "I told them I don't want any insurance I don't know why they keep calling me!!! " WTF
So one just got way to expensive to deal with and let their quality slip, the other 2 got pre payments from me which Ill never recoup. This is very, Very annoying!
I have signed on to another, again with the pay us up front crap, but I talked them into a small order as a trial and they agreed so I tried them out. Day one 4 calls one deal and a call back. Day 2 only 2 calls, both deals and the call back turned into a deal too, so I made my money back and then some, awesome right….WRONG, day 3, 8 calls all of them crap, "I told the I don't want insurance", and a few other F U types. And this is where it stayed lots of calls with ZERO interest in even discussing insurance.
So at this point I'm totally frustrated and looking for any suggestions form agents that have found reasonable and reputable companies to work with!!
Well 1st time poster here's my 2 cents. Ive been selling life insurance for about 2 years face to face, but my current situation is making it extremely hard to do that going forward so the IMO I'm with has started with phone and live transfers and recommended some companies. This has been my experience so far. All Web Leads they started me at $55 per lead and I'm licensed in 16 states. They provided about 2 to 6 calls a day some of which I had to return because they didn't meet the filter requirements. They were great leads! Converted over 60% of them, but by week 2 my phone no longer rang. So I called the company and they told me people were out bidding me thats why no calls, so I asked what the bid were and they told me $75 and up, I almost choked. After looking at my numbers from the week before I felt It would be worth it and 2 days later I upped my bid. The phones started to ring again, but only 2 to 4 calls a day came in. But once again they were high intent and sales were great. Now came week 3 phones not ringing at all, so went back to them only to find they were now at $90.00 and up, at this rate I figured it would still be a good ROI if they didn't go any higher so I upped my bid again. Calls stayed steady at about 3 to 4 a day and I had doubled my sales from the week before….Awesome right!! WRONG, come week 4 the calls stopped and I was getting maybe 1 call every other day and they were no longer quality they were complete garbage. So I went to return them and the company refused to refund them. The bids are now over $100.00 a lead.
So I looked around and signed up with Datalot they had a very slick back office and I was with them for over 2 weeks before I received my fist call who told me" F U tell them to stop calling me" their lead cost is now at or close to $90.00 a call for total shit! And they won't refund or at least they fight you on every return.
So Next came Smart Finacial yet another pay them up front company which has now made me very Leary but I bit the bullet and funded another account. 3 weeks and over a dozen calls before my phone rang even once, and yet again a bunch of very angry people on the phone saying "I told them I don't want any insurance I don't know why they keep calling me!!! " WTF
So one just got way to expensive to deal with and let their quality slip, the other 2 got pre payments from me which Ill never recoup. This is very, Very annoying!
I have signed on to another, again with the pay us up front crap, but I talked them into a small order as a trial and they agreed so I tried them out. Day one 4 calls one deal and a call back. Day 2 only 2 calls, both deals and the call back turned into a deal too, so I made my money back and then some, awesome right….WRONG, day 3, 8 calls all of them crap, "I told the I don't want insurance", and a few other F U types. And this is where it stayed lots of calls with ZERO interest in even discussing insurance.
So at this point I'm totally frustrated and looking for any suggestions form agents that have found reasonable and reputable companies to work with!!
Add some paragraph breaks por favor.
Well thanks for the writing tip, I do tend to ramble a bit, lol. Anyone know about a good live transfer company?

I write for a carrier that has a live lead transfer program. I've been with them since 1999, and doing FE tele-sales since 2005. Call me and I'll share their program with you.
Greg...252-292-3350 on eastern time zone