Loneliness....how do you deal with it?

Go out and do some cold calls.

Join a gym and work out in the morning or afternoon.

Make friends with your clients and take them to lunch or drinks after work.

Take up golf.
Go out and do some cold calls.

Join a gym and work out in the morning or afternoon.

Make friends with your clients and take them to lunch or drinks after work.

Take up golf.

I think we are missing the point he is trying to make. As in selling it is also important to listen to what people "aren't saying".

John said, "I have sold appliances and other tangible items for over 1 decade...but the isolation aspect of selling as an independant...is pretty tough."

It sounds to me that he misses, not necessarily people contact, but contact with others who do the same thing he does and working in a structured environment. Days will go by when the only contact I have during the day is with prospects. If all one talks to all day is prospects this job can still be very isolating, regardless if it is over the phone or in person.

I don't believe taking up a hobby will solve his problem. I'm sure he has plenty to do when he is not working. I believe he misses having others who do what he does to talk to. A "support group" if you will. It is an occupational hazard of being an independent agent.

The last thing I would ever consider is trying to "make a friend" of a client and go to lunch, dinner or to have drinks with them. They will expect you to pick up the tab since they are a client and they know you are "getting rich" from the commission you make on their policy.

John, if I'm wrong I apologize. However, that is the main problem agents have when they first go independent. They miss the structure. Some can handle it and thrive, others can't seem to deal with it. That is not a bad thing.

Successful independent agents are a different group of people and it is not for everyone. Working as a captive agent may be best for you. I was very successful and happy as a captive agent.
The last thing I would ever consider is trying to "make a friend" of a client and go to lunch, dinner or to have drinks with them. They will expect you to pick up the tab since they are a client and they know you are "getting rich" from the commission you make on their policy.

Some of my best clients are those I have become friends with. I enjoy taking clients to lunch, yeah I pick up the tab but usually get referrals or discover another need I can help the client solve. I had a duck club last year that consisted of all clients, we had a ball.
I do agree that being independent can be an adjustment, I was captive for 10 years but discovered I wasted a lot of work time with guys that weren't really successful, the successful ones were out doing what some of us weren't.
I had a duck club last year that consisted of all clients, we had a ball.

I also have clients who belong to the same gun club and country club I belong to and we are friends and good buddies. However, I think that is a totally different situation than simply making a "friend" out of a client and taking them out for dinner and/or drinks. They are "friends" but I would not call them "good buddies".

You are friendly with them but you must admit that you use them to your advantage. I don't use my "good buddies" I shoot and play golf with in that way. We are like minded people who enjoy the same activities.
I have really good buddies that are clients, but in no way would characterize that I use them to my advantage, I don't see my interaction with clients or friends in any form that could be characterized as using them, if I had clients that had that perception, don't you think they would be suspect of any recommendation? Probably wouldn't be in this business long if I was a "user".
I prefer to work at home. Mu dog is my daytime companion and I listen to talk radio, stream on line radio and music. Plus once you get busy, the days will go by so fast you won't have time to think about it.

I've been the lone one for over 25 years and feel very comfortable to be alone in the day.

Hi all,

I am a new health insurance agent. I am working with an IMO but they are not local. I get my leads from online sources...and make calls everyday from my home office. I talk to several people a day and take apps over the phone...but i've noticed an isolation aspect to this job that i haven't encountered in my other sales jobs.

My question is....how do independant agents deal with the isolation issue?

I have sold appliances and other tangible items for over 1 decade...but the isolation aspect of selling as an independant...is pretty tough.

I was thinking of joining an agency...but i want to maximize my income.

Any suggestions to conquer this feeling?
This is one of the main reasons I haven't pulled the trigger on office space. I have my wife and son at home. If I move into an office then I really am alone for the day....that is until I hire my Swedish secretary.
I have really good buddies that are clients, but in no way would characterize that I use them to my advantage, I don't see my interaction with clients or friends in any form that could be characterized as using them, if I had clients that had that perception, don't you think they would be suspect of any recommendation? Probably wouldn't be in this business long if I was a "user".

My bad. I incorrectly use the word "use". That is the problem when trying to write something as opposed to talking about it. Even though I have clients I am "friends" with, they are not necessarily people I would have sought out to socialize with.

I also have clients who are both friends and "good buds". However, if I am picking up the tab every time I spend time with them, as enjoyable as the couple of hours may be, I would call that entertaining enjoyable clients. They may be "friends" and great people but they are not, for the most part, the people who I socialize with on a regular basis.

A friend/good bud is someone with like interests who I enjoy spending my free time with and will "pick up the tab" as often as I do. I can spend the whole morning in a duck blind with or all day in a boat fishing. Play 18 holes of golf with, then play another 18 and go to dinner. Neither of us expect anything from each other except enjoying each others company for more than an hour or two.

I guess it comes down to one's definition of the word "friend". A friend/good bud to me is someone I can sit down with, have a drink, bitch to if I want, brag a little and get my ass busted, drop in on without advance notice and who can do the same with me. Someone I can call if I'm in a jam or need help with something and they will be there.

I also know people who when they first meet a person automatically call them a "friend" from that point on. I think we are basically saying the same thing only differently.