Loneliness....how do you deal with it?

My clients are not my friends - they are clients. If they have a question, concern or problem I'd there for them.

Outside of that I can't have a 5 years book of business where they're "friends." I'd never get any work done.

I don't want a single client to call me today just to chew the fat. I'm busy.
When I was a RM of a marketing company I had to hire secretaries for every office I opened - 6 total.

While I always made sure the candidate I hired had a fantastic resume and skills I stayed far away from hiring very attractive women.

Not only would it have been a small issue with my wife, but then I have an entire office full off agents constantly hitting on her.

I hiring mainly women in their 50's - great experience, kids grown up and out of the house. I found younger girls to be completely devoid of a worth ethic - constantly calling out - constantly having issues.
While I always made sure the candidate I hired had a fantastic resume and skills I stayed far away from hiring very attractive women.

"You can teach a woman to type but you can't teach them to grow tits".
- Charlie Wilson's War
Yes...this is exactly right....Comradery.

I had Comradery in the past with other workers. Working by myself...is tough. I have been getting out to see clients....but that's not the same as working with a "Team."

Thanks for the comments...

Any other ideas on how to make this Career more enjoyable?

IDEA: I thought about working with a local IMO for some products...and staying independant on others. This way i have an office to go to...to break the monotony.

I think we are missing the point he is trying to make. As in selling it is also important to listen to what people "aren't saying".

John said, "I have sold appliances and other tangible items for over 1 decade...but the isolation aspect of selling as an independant...is pretty tough."

It sounds to me that he misses, not necessarily people contact, but contact with others who do the same thing he does and working in a structured environment. Days will go by when the only contact I have during the day is with prospects. If all one talks to all day is prospects this job can still be very isolating, regardless if it is over the phone or in person.

I don't believe taking up a hobby will solve his problem. I'm sure he has plenty to do when he is not working. I believe he misses having others who do what he does to talk to. A "support group" if you will. It is an occupational hazard of being an independent agent.

The last thing I would ever consider is trying to "make a friend" of a client and go to lunch, dinner or to have drinks with them. They will expect you to pick up the tab since they are a client and they know you are "getting rich" from the commission you make on their policy.

John, if I'm wrong I apologize. However, that is the main problem agents have when they first go independent. They miss the structure. Some can handle it and thrive, others can't seem to deal with it. That is not a bad thing.

Successful independent agents are a different group of people and it is not for everyone. Working as a captive agent may be best for you. I was very successful and happy as a captive agent.
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IDEA: I thought about working with a local IMO for some products...and staying independant on others. This way i have an office to go to...to break the monotony.

That's not a bad idea but just be careful. If you work for an agency they most probably will be the ones to pay you as opposed to your checks coming directly from the insurance company.

They can pay you what ever percentage they want and all the business you write will probably be in their name and not yours. The agency will be the "agent of record". If you decide to leave the agency you will leave all the business you wrote behind as well as the renewals.

You mean they keep everything...that's not good.

thanks for the heads-up Frank...

That's not a bad idea but just be careful. If you work for an agency they most probably will be the ones to pay you as opposed to your checks coming directly from the insurance company.

They can pay you what ever percentage they want and all the business you write will probably be in their name and not yours. The agency will be the "agent of record". If you decide to leave the agency you will leave all the business you wrote behind as well as the renewals.