Looking for a 5 Year SPIA

I think the % might be state specific, I just got a brand new broker info pack from them this week and it only mentioned 7%.

But when I research the product online I see 8% and 7%...

Either way its strong... and you cant beat 5% for free! Most companies charge you .4% - 1% for a 5% rollup.

That's interesting b/c the FIAs are all 8% and 5% and the Traditional Fixed (premier eagle series) offer the 5% or 7%. Nevertheless, very strong overall. You'll like working with them.
Am Eq's income rider was decreased from 8% to 7% and then increased back to 8% with a 90 basis point cost and 7 yr. reset for the summer. The rider is moving back to 7% at the end of Sept. with a 60 basis point cost and a 10 yr. reset.
Their SPIA payouts were very competitive but i have to admit that I haven't looked at them in a couple of months. Their customer service is one of the best in the industry.

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