Looking for a Good Telemarketing Company

I have put ad's on craigs list offering good pay, and have not gotten one call? I guess people like their well-fare more than working?
I'm sure there are many companies that offer the service. He didn't ask for companies, he asked for "good" ones.

Yep. At this point, if I were to work develop leads cold over the phone, I would be doing it myself or training someone in-house. Or using voice broadcasting (if it wasn't illegal).

Otherwise, direct mail is best.
I have put ad's on craigs list offering good pay, and have not gotten one call? I guess people like their well-fare more than working?

You must be placing your ad in an area with a small population. Place your ad in a major city and you'll have a dozen applicants in 24 hours and 2-3 of them will have experience dialing for senior insurance. Make sure your ad states hourly plus bonuses and you'll get your highest quality people. A good TM doesn't want to hear anything about a 100% performance based pay plan.
The reason there are no good lead sources is because for any company to actually make money selling these leads they would need to charge north of $35/lead. At which point people would complain how expensive they are.

Another thing to ask yourself would be what are you considering a lead? How much qualifying would need to be done? People want to pay $15/lead which just isn't reasonable. That would mean lead company would need to have their telemarketers developing around 2 leads per hour, which is impossible.
The reason there are no good lead sources is because for any company to actually make money selling these leads they would need to charge north of $35/lead. At which point people would complain how expensive they are.

Another thing to ask yourself would be what are you considering a lead? How much qualifying would need to be done? People want to pay $15/lead which just isn't reasonable. That would mean lead company would need to have their telemarketers developing around 2 leads per hour, which is impossible.

Well said!

. .
I'll pay $50 a lead for an excellent, honestly-qualified lead.

And I'd bet money there's others like me out there enough to make a lead generation specialist rich, assuming he could do it right.
I'll pay $50 a lead for an excellent, honestly-qualified lead.

And I'd bet money there's others like me out there enough to make a lead generation specialist rich, assuming he could do it right.

For what you want out of a lead, $50/pop won't make any lead generator rich. To generate then honestly it might take all day to generate a single lead.