Looking for Company That Will Set Appointments with My Lead Cards


New Member
I sell final expense and have lead cards. I prefer to sell using appointments. Drive bys ,for me, are hard work and not my preferred method of production. Lately it has been very hard for me to get enough people to answer the phone so that I could set more, or enough appointments. The thought, although I am sure not an original one, is to have a telemarketer call at all times of the day and night to set appointments rather than me just calling for a couple of hours after running appointments or in between appointments.

Any idea of a company that would handle this type of task. Also, please advise if you think this is a bad idea or if you have a better idea.

I have never understood why anyone would want someone to call direct mail leads after you have already spent all of that money generating them. I suggest saving your money and calling them yourself unless you are sitting on thousands of old leads.
I stopped being afraid of the phone.

An experienced agent will always do a better job telephoning a stack of leads than a telemarketer without life insurance selling experience.
I stopped being afraid of the phone.

An experienced agent will always do a better job telephoning a stack of leads than a telemarketer without life insurance selling experience.

Amen. To me you've got two choices. Do it yourself or train someone who works directly for you how to do exactly what you do. The thought of hiring a company to handle the single most important aspect of your FE business to me is nuts.

There a lot of good people out there with a reasonable amount of phone experience that would love to have a job setting FE appointments and if an agent is so busy and has so many leads they can't get to it themselves they can surely afford to spend $10-$15/hr for an assistant help set their day up.
I'll give y'all a recent example:

I telephoned an older lead (<90 days old) for the first time earlier this week.

The lady came off as disinterested and said they had already taken care of their insurance with Globe and AARP -- she asked me to call for the husband later.

Now, I get the feeling my old appointment-setters might have recorded the conversation as "not interested, has insurance." I'd go ahead normally and burn that lead.

Well, with this one, I decided I was going to door-knock the lead -- Rousemark went along with me yesterday to do so.

Turns out we sold a policy to both and Rouse generated a referral to call on their daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids.

This never would have happened without me working the lead originally over the phone -- you catch so much more subtleties like tonality that you never get when reading the results of an appointment setter who says "NI -- has ins."
Thanks for the responses. Guess I should have given more information. I travel each week with 25 leads. Get into town Monday and work till Wed or Thursday. I call all of my leads from the time I get into town until I leave. I am able to set appointments from my calls and the leads I can't get in touch with I drive by to try to sell then or set an appt for later in the week.

I was trying to incorporate something in addition to my efforts to increase appointment percentage. Just thought if I could find someone to call leads that I was unable to reach all day long while I am in appts I would be more successful.

Thanks in advance for any ideas or responses.