Looking for Honest Feedback from the Field

John Gilbert

New Member
In the interest of full disclosure, i am with TNBC we are an IMO in Des Moines, Iowa. We are a smaller IMO and i am wondering if reps in the field are willing to share their stories good or bad as it relates to working with IMO's. I guess my real question is do reps really find value in the programs that most brokerages use to recruit new producers? If so what are the programs that have been working? I am certainly willing to answer any questions that might come up, i am just looking for an open conversation about what you guys find helpful in building your business. Thanks
Not one of the big guns, if I were I would'nt be sitting here at the house with nobody to see at lunchtime. Having said that, I prefer that someone live answers the phone if I have to leave a message, you have to return the phone call in a timely fashion. You can call me back and tell me to go to hell, just call me back. My biggest peeve, what does TNBC stand for, I realize it's something you use everyday, I have no idea what it stands for!
thanks for the respone, it stands for the national benefit corp. I agree that a timely response and live voice are an important part of what makes a good annuity partner. it seems to me that the "extras" are what seem to get reps excited about joining a new organization??
Everybody has xtras, you have to get involved to find out whether they are for real. I've just found that if they will answer the phone live that's a good start. Not trying to sound negative, but everyone offers the xtras, most are just that, offered, no proof in the pudding.