Looking for Mentor

xrac said:
Good luck. They are not easy to find. What market are you talking about?

Very true they are not easy to find. However I think we can have a better way of connecting people.

We have a fabulous platform via the forum. I think contribution on this thread is very important. There are many producers looking to hook up with Indys and captives alike. If producers have what it takes and are aggressive in located mentors for the betterment of future success I am sure forum members would be receptive.

I am in Florida and would be happy to sure my experience with anyone who may require it I know that without the assistance I received I would not have been able to be where I am at today. Even though I feel I have a long way too go. As I always say success is a long road and I still feel like I am reversing out of the driveway.
I've been in the business for over a year now and I would like to have a mentor. Tulsa, OK area.

I'm also in the NE Oklahoma area and would love to find a mentor. A veteran agent who can help me with new ideas and strategies to build my agency.

If anyone is available for a lunch sometime, its on me. Looking for a P&C vet.
This forum is pretty much a mentor at your finger tips...so many knowledgable guys on here. It's as simple as having a question or concern...searching for it...finding an answer, or starting a new thread to get an answer!! Lots of help here and I haven't found anyone who doesn't respond.

You will pick up by reading who the active members are...you'll also be like me and wonder why you didn't join this forum when you first started in the business!!
I agree that the forum is a great aid. However, the forum can't ride along on appointments or close sales.
Correct!! You never know what you'll get if you ask. I would start by saying I want someone to ride with, and see what happens. That's what I would do. You might be surprised!!