Looking for ROP Non-MED Term


New Member
Does anyone have any companies out there with return of premium rider available for non-med term life insurance in california?

Please advise
Does anyone have any companies out there with return of premium rider available for non-med term life insurance in california?

Please advise
have you ever heard of Americo's Home Mortgage Series Term product. It doesnt have a ROP rider its a cash back option which basically means that the cash value builds sooner. And they dont require you to have a mortgage to get it. The max on it I believe is either 350K or 400K id have to take a look. If your interested in looking it over let me know I have a product guide I could send you.
I would also look at United Home Life. I really like the Reduced Paid up option at the end. Makes an easy added value sale.

Term insurance with a Burial policy at the end. Four questions.