Looking for the Best Products to Cross Sell to Seniors...

The final expense cross sale is a natural, especially when you've just brought someone to a Medicare Advantage plan and saved them premium over what they were paying before on an employer-based plan or a Med Supp. It's also true for when you're replacing their existing Med Supp that they've had for years with one that is much less expensive - the final expense sales is easy from that point. See the video I made on the topic - as to how to do the cross sale and why it works so well. The video's here.

I have some carrier recommendations, for here in FL and beyond, to get the best rate, the best value, and extra benefits beyond what other companies offer. It makes for a very nice package.

Looking for cross selling ideas. We have some dental, vision, hearing plans, and some hospital indemnity to go with the med advantage but i am looking for new stuff too that maybe my coworkers and I are overlooking. I am also looking for products in FL. which seem to have less a variety as the other states I work in.
Easy, sell them Liberty Medical, especially if they have the "beetus" :D

Good stuff! I always thought I was the only one who called it the "Beetus"

Ever notice that some seniors just call it sugar? "Oh I take this pill for sugar. I just have a lil' sugar ya know?"