Loss of Likes in Comments View

I am mildly pissed, but people can still see how awesome I am by my fantastic hair and cape.

Frankly, by not being able to see the amount of likes, I think it is a disservice to the users on the site. In my opinion, usually (but not always) the ratio of likes serves as an indicator as to the history history of giving good (or bad) advice and responses. It's not the whole story, but definitely an indicator.

I am curious why it was removed, though I suspect there is a good reason.

Does anyone know?

@STIBROKER - Pray tell?
Like you, I don't need likes to know I'm cool. I mean, come on! Shades and a Stratocaster - you don't get any cooler than that!
Has anyone noticed that you no longer can see how many "Likes" the poster that is posting has over their lifespan? You used to be see how many posts they had alongside how many Likes.

Now it appears that you can ONLY see how many posts they have. You have click on the contact name to see their like count.

I find this feature to be useful as it helps tell me if the person adding the comment is a real person or just a spammer and adding useless content.

In addition I would prefer the likes be called "helpful comment" - in my opinion,
Stop seeking validation from strangers. It's hurting your closing percentage.