MA vs. Supplement

I agree, but I'm sure you'll also agree that the "best" plan isn't necessarily limited to plan benefits and premiums, but also one that providers will accept. Plenty of MA plans looked good on paper last year until members started trying to go to the doctor.

I do agree. I haven't had many problems with claims for MA's. The nly problems I have had was the clients fault for showing thier medicare card instead of the MA card. :arghh:
I do agree. I haven't had many problems with claims for MA's. The nly problems I have had was the clients fault for showing thier medicare card instead of the MA card. :arghh:

Not surprising. I haven't heard of that happening too often with my clients, but usually any confusion comes when the first time the client goes to the doctor is months after they enrolled, and they have forgotten what I told them about only showing the MA company's card and not Medicare's.
I did not say that. I said I could not sell an inferior product when I know there is a better one out there. I have sold inferior products in the past. I did not know any better therefore it was not immoral. If you know that your clients can get better then that is on your shoulders.

If you want to sell your clients one product because you do not want to pay for leads, well I guess you aren't very smart. I understand if you are new to the game but if you are not then you should be able to provide your own leads.
Why don't you just tell your clients that you are giving them less benefits or paying more because the company you work for is providing you with extra benefits. That would go over well. :twitchy:

Screw it..I give's like talking to a brick wall. I can see this forum is geared for independent agents only. I'm going to go sell some Medicare Advantage now. I'm outa here!:biggrin:
Screw it..I give's like talking to a brick wall. I can see this forum is geared for independent agents only. I'm going to go sell some Medicare Advantage now. I'm outa here!:biggrin:
Based upon your lack of knowledge about Medicare and MA products, its likely not just "it" that you're going to screw.

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