Madison National - Offer Me a Contract

You are right on the boarder for 24 mos.... Any meds to treat the surgery in June and July will put you in under 24 mos and still be graded. Even with Madison national.

Am Con is another option.... Same issue though

He did not take any Rx from the pacemaker surgery, no blood thinners. MN's underwriter said he should be able to qualify for a level benefit without any blood thinner Rx. Premium for $25k WL was $181/mo.
Does everyone just ignore that question on AmCon's app about having diabetes and a heart or circulatory disorder?
Does everyone just ignore that question on AmCon's app about having diabetes and a heart or circulatory disorder?

I'm sure not everyone but I did. ha
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Monu requires f2f appt, not sure about AmCont.
The OP is looking for an online company not requiring a f2f meeting.

Didn't catch that either.
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Not a single person on this forum offers MN contracts? I still haven't found a better option for this case.

I used to have a pretty good contract and a bunch of us did. Their rates are generally a bit high, you could never get an underwriting question answered, they went from no h/w to a pretty standard h/w, and if you don't have production they can you and demand the advance nearly immediately. They burned a lot of bridges. I liked them at first, but after getting to know them better I really didn't like them.
I used to have a pretty good contract and a bunch of us did. Their rates are generally a bit high, you could never get an underwriting question answered, they went from no h/w to a pretty standard h/w, and if you don't have production they can you and demand the advance nearly immediately. They burned a lot of bridges. I liked them at first, but after getting to know them better I really didn't like them.

I don't care if they term me for non-production later on as long as I don't lose the commissions from existing cases. All of my comp is as-earned so don't have to worry about advances. Surprised that nobody on this entire forum has a contract with them though...
I don't care if they term me for non-production later on as long as I don't lose the commissions from existing cases. All of my comp is as-earned so don't have to worry about advances. Surprised that nobody on this entire forum has a contract with them though...

It's not about them wanting the advance back, it's about the tyep of carrier that would pull stunts like that. Mark Rosenthal, Chris Westfall, and a bunch of others can shed more light on the subject as well.