Maine - Fair and Balanced


5000 Post Club
Just to balance out a few of the pinko reports from Maine of late, I am surprised to note that the state's largest paper has come out against Obamacare in an editorial in its Sunday edition.

Just to give you a flavor:

"Snowe did the right thing by voting against this onerous legislation, as did her Republican colleague from Maine, Sen. Susan Collins. We're counting on our senators now to do what they can to help improve a bill that we can only describe as awful."

Gawd, that sounds less than enthusiastic. And that's from the liberals.

Don't ask the obvious. I don't have an answer in regard to why they are down on MaoCare when we are already pinker than MaoCare. I think it probably hinges on the national debt and public expenditure. Guaranteed issue in Maine is expensive for the individual and the employer but it is still private sector and not public funded. Yes, we have Dirigo, the public option, but that has been dead in the water for a long time so is not an uncontrolled beast the way MaoCare is. Everyone knows that Dirigo just needs to have a fork stuck in in but Obamacare is big loose cannon. Don't know, but things are pretty bad when the libs are beginning to worry.
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