Make Money On Surety Bonds.

Bonding has never been easier for you or your client. Go to our website and you can pay and print the bond right there. As a agent not much more to do. - Let me know if anyone has any questions. I've been doing this for 20 years....
I know this is an old thread but I am very interested in selling hinds in tx. I am a new independent agent near houston tx and would appreciate any information available. You can email me CstoneATstoneinsurancemagnoliaDOTcom;593531]Hey everyone,

I wanted to open a thread so everyone can ask any questions they may have about surety bonds. Either as a whole or about a specific bond requirement you see fequently. Surety bonds are a small niche market, which often gets over looked. That being said we have found bagents have a lot of questions regarding the unknown world of surety bonds and we want to answer them.

If you would prefer to email me questions feel free to.

mike at suretybonds dot com.

The best way to begin learning is focusing on the bonds required in your state. Some have a lot of different bond requirements and some have a few which make learning them a lot easier.

What state are you licensed in? Knowing this can help me pinpoint the most commonly seen requirements in your state and help you with the basic knowledge of each.

Once you do a few bonds you'll be able to classify them better. While the sheer amount of bond requirements is daunting most can be underwritten one of just a few different ways effectively taking thousands of requirements and allowing you to handle them in just a handful of ways.

With that said, all we do is bonds. We have enough experience and markets to allow us to place just about anything at the going rate for the indsutry. What we tell our agents to do if they run across a bond and dont know the specifics is to just tell their clients they can likely get it done and at the best terms the market can provide so not to worry. We can't always work miracles but we are as competitive as anyone out there.

Can you tell me what bonds are required in Texas?