Mandate Upheld!Get Ready to RUMMMMMMBLE !

Most states will or should take medicare. Who wouldn't when the state pays nothing, and then only 10% after 16'.

Supreme Court Narrows Medicaid Expansion but Upholds Commercial Mandate | AIS Health
The law calls for the federal government to pay 100% of Medicaid expansion costs from 2014 to 2016, with the contribution level gradually dropping to no less than 90%. Mark Lutes, a member of Washington, D.C., law firm Epstein Becker Green, says that "red states have some interesting choices — one is, do you take Medicaid expansion money while it lasts and trust Congress to make you whole when the ACA support for it dries up?"
As of today I am out of the health insurance business. It really doesn't matter what SCOTUS said or what the government plans to do with the Exchanges in 2014, no one without insurance will spend a dime until 2014, they will just figure it's coming for free then, and anyone with coverage will just ride it out until then or drop it.

I have no interest in working with the government for the scraps that they will throw out there, waiting 8 months for a $100 PCIP check on the one case I submitted told me everything I needed to know.

The only market left available for agents is Medicare, it's just a long build from scratch.
Der Kalifornia Kommissar loves it:

Reaffirms Commitment to Implementation of the Affordable Care Act in California

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones today issued the following statement applauding the U.S. Supreme Court for its decision to uphold the entirety of the Affordable Care Act. The Court upheld the health care reform law in a 5 to 4 ruling.

"The passage of the Affordable Care Act is one of the most significant legislative achievements in the last forty years. The Court's decision today is a critically important one for the future of the entire nation. The Affordable Care Act is especially important for California, which is home to over seven million uninsured people, one million of whom are children. And it means that the millions of Californians who have health insurance will continue to enjoy benefits such as keeping their kids on their insurance to age 26, prohibitions on rescinding your insurance, elimination of lifetime and annual caps on your benefits, no co-payments for preventive care, cheaper medications for seniors on Medicare—the list of immediate benefits goes on and on."

"While the Supreme Court's decision is good news for Californians, there is one reform missing from the Affordable Care Act. The missing piece of the Affordable Care Act is the absence of authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes. Californians have been hit with double digit health insurance rate hikes year after year. Health insurers have been making record profits at our expense. As Insurance Commissioner, I do not have the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes. Since 1988 the Insurance Commissioner has had the authority to reject excessive rate hikes for auto, home, property and casualty insurance, and saved consumers and businesses tens of billions of dollars. But not health insurance. We need to pass a law in California to give the Insurance Commissioner the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate increases. The State Senate should do this by passing Assembly Bill 52."

"Since the beginning of my tenure as Insurance Commissioner I have fought hard to ensure that the various reforms comprising the Affordable Care Act would be implemented in California. On the night I was sworn in, I issued an emergency regulation to implement one of the most important pieces of federal health care reform—the requirement that health insurers put more of the premiums they collect from us into medical care."

"I also issued regulations to implement another important benefit of federal health care reform— the requirement that health insurers provide health insurance to children even if they have a pre-existing condition. It used to be health insurers could deny children health insurance if they had a pre-existing condition, but thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we were able to put an end to this deplorable practice. In 2014 millions of adults who have been denied health insurance due to pre-existing conditions will also gain this critical access to health insurance coverage."

"Today's ruling is a validation President Obama's leadership in enacting the Affordable Care Act and of our efforts toward implementation of these reforms. Since its inception, I have been a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act and I will continue to work diligently to implement its components in California in order to make sure that all Californians have affordable access to health care. And I will continue to work for even stronger reform, such as single payer universal healthcare and the authority to reject excessive health insurance rate hikes."

The Affordable Care Act dramatically changes the way most Americans access their medical care, including:

• Preventive care is now available without co-payments or deductibles, so that no one with health insurance avoids going to the doctor for a check-up or get a critical screening because they cannot afford to pay for the visit;
• Parents can now keep their dependents on their health insurance up to age 26;
• Insurers are now barred from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions; and
• In 2014 insurers will be barred from denying coverage to any applicant with pre-existing conditions;
• Insurers are required to spend 80 percent of the premium dollars collected in the individual and small group markets on health care costs, rather than administrative costs and profits and in the large group market the requirement is that 85 percent of premium dollars be spent on health care.
From Blue Shield of California today...

Supreme Court rules to uphold the Affordable Care Act

Earlier today the Supreme Court ruled to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its entirety.

As strong supporters of universal coverage we are pleased with the Court's ruling. Blue Shield will stay on track and continue to implement the ACA while seeking additional ways to make coverage more affordable. Read Blue Shield's statement on the Supreme Court ruling.

Thank you for your business and support during this important time for our industry. We will continue to keep you updated, and visit anytime for the latest news.
Re: Mandate Upheld!

Didn't someone here say that this is no longer a mandate, but is instead an optional tax? I've never heard of an optional tax.

Allen all taxes are optional. You have the choice of paying the tax or being charged by the IRS for tax evasion and going to jail.

Its similiar to when I tell my clients they made a voluntary irrivocable decisions to elect enrollment in Maine State Retirement. They ask what voluntary decision and I say your decisions to take the job, you have a choice to not take it.