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- #21
Agent Orange, Thanks for taking to time to rebut my post. I appreciate your tone even though we are seeing things differently for the most part.
I use the terms I use to describe things the way I see them. My background in critical analyzing makes me call things the way I see them based on the facts at hand. Not the hype. Not the media and their biases. Not some celebrity and their uninformed opinions. Facts and facts only. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and hangs out with ducks, it must be a duck.
The position that you assume for debating this is flawed. You state that " I believe every American should have access to quality health care and Im going to assume you oppose." First of all, every American does have "access" to quality health care. Whether they get it or not is a different story. They have the same access that the illegals do. They cannot be turned away from an emergency room. There are tons of clinics around that are county and city sponsored for even the lowest income and even the homeless but as I said before, they are over run by illegals taking up very limited resources that should be saved for our own citizens FIRST. If there is anything left over after treating our own people, then fine, let the illegals get some of the care too. But you even said in your own statement, AMERICANS should have access to the quality health care. Stop giving our resources away to these leeches for free. Lets take care of our own people first. Also I do not oppose access to quality health care for everyone. This statement of yours is also flawed. I do not ever wish ill will on any human. I wish for the entire world to be healthy and without disease etc. I really do. But here in the real world people get sick, injured, and get old. It is the way things are, and always will be. People will need treatment and not everyone will always be able to get it. for some reason or another. My buddy was in an accident and he needed health care, but the helicopter couldn't get to him soon enough so he went into a coma. That was a bad scene but I think you get the point. That is real life and it isn't always pretty, easy , or perfect. It never will be. Gettig back to your statement...What I am very opposed to, is allowing people that cannot be trusted to run something as simple as a budget run something as huge as our health care system. They cannot even keep their own houses in order and we want to entrust them with the only thing in this whole world we truly own, which is our health?
I find it funny that people don't take lightly to being called what they are. Liberals don't want to be called liberals any more. They prefer "Progressive", yet most lean so far to the left that they act like socialists, but you had better not call them that because now that is considered slanderous? If a person doesn't like the stereotype, then don't act like the stereotype. If you are Asian and can't drive, then learn to drive if you hate that stereotype. If you are black and chase fat white women but hate that stereotype, then don't behave that way. Same goes for being fat. If you don't like the stereotypes about fat people, then don't be fat. If you hate the term commie, or socialist, then don't act like one. People need to have thicker skin and take the medicine that they deserve. I don't care if someone doesn't take what you have dubbed "slander" lightly. This is still America and I still have the First Amendment for now. Slander is making things up that aren't true. I have not done that at all. I just look much harder at things and see not just what is being said on the surface, but what lies as much in what people don't say, or in what lies beneath the surface.
A commie is someone that thinks the state is their God. and the answer to everything. They will sell out their souls, their money, property, and independence to the state to have the state solve problems for them instead of solving the problems themselves. America was built by the rejects of the world coming together forming a nation with a "Can Do" attitude. It was not a "Can you solve all my problems for me from cradle to grave" attitude. That is what it seems the Obama supporters hope for. That video that was posted earlier in this thread does NOT represent the attitude of the minority of Obama supporters but rather the majority of them. That really sickens me. People looking to a politician to put gas in their cars, pay their mortgage, and care for them with free health care for everyone? Sounds like a Utopia. Isn't that what Hitler was trying to build? A Utopian society? If our way of doing things is so bad and flawed, how did we, a country of rejects become the world leading super power in 233 years over countried like China, Japan, England, Italy etc that have been around for thousands of years? Our way is the best way. Not a socialist, Marxist, Nazi, Communist etc way. The free market economy rules and our success in such a short time proves it. It is not perfect, not by a long shot. But it is still the best there is.
You would rather people get their benefits through their employer? OK So here is a bump in the road. What about self employed people? So I would have to go on a Government plan then since I don't get benefits from my job? No thanks.
Have you ever run your own company? I have. The private sector is much more efficient than any government entity. Because if they aren't then they go out of business. PERIOD. The government ALWAYS is much less efficient because if they don't spend or waste all of the money they had during a fiscal year, they can't come back next year and ask for more, all in the name of "progress" or it is "for the children". The government doesn't have to be efficient when people keep re electing idiots like Barney Frank who muck things up so badly and then point the finger at someone else saying it was because of the regulation we failed! Now we know how to fix it! Just like Frank, and Dodd did with the bailout money for Fanny Mae and Fredie Mack. There was no accountability in there so the banks just held onto the money and then asked for more because there was no consequences for them!
Dude, they are the regulators and the law makers!
Forcing any company to pay into health care for their employees when it is not part of their business model that keeps them profitable is very Marxist. It is a redistribution of corporate profits at proverbial gun point saying "now operate like this or die" and I am against it. Having a politician like Obama, Biden, Frank etc. that has no business experience tell a company how to run its business is pretty scary.
I am not sure where you got your stat on 90% of hospitals needing government money to stay open from but I am prettycertain that is false. The majority of hospitals are owned by shareholders and are run for a profit. Maybe the ones that are getting money from the Government are the same ones that gave Michelle Obama a $200K a year raise as soon as her husband got elected Senator? Hmmmm. there is $200K that would help a hospital get closer to being profitable....
Subsidies are sought out to cover hard luck cases and care given to illegal immigrants. I cannot stress enough what a massive drain they are on the system. I have family members that work in hopital admin and they are sick of having to deal with that sort of drain. Arizona is finally looking at eliminating the care for illegals. California needs to.
I really do appreciate your willingness to debate this. I doubt I will change your mind but maybe someone will read some of this and rethink some of their positions either way. Again. thanks.
You never did answer my question. Name one thing the government runs well, or on budget? I await your answer.
I use the terms I use to describe things the way I see them. My background in critical analyzing makes me call things the way I see them based on the facts at hand. Not the hype. Not the media and their biases. Not some celebrity and their uninformed opinions. Facts and facts only. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and hangs out with ducks, it must be a duck.
The position that you assume for debating this is flawed. You state that " I believe every American should have access to quality health care and Im going to assume you oppose." First of all, every American does have "access" to quality health care. Whether they get it or not is a different story. They have the same access that the illegals do. They cannot be turned away from an emergency room. There are tons of clinics around that are county and city sponsored for even the lowest income and even the homeless but as I said before, they are over run by illegals taking up very limited resources that should be saved for our own citizens FIRST. If there is anything left over after treating our own people, then fine, let the illegals get some of the care too. But you even said in your own statement, AMERICANS should have access to the quality health care. Stop giving our resources away to these leeches for free. Lets take care of our own people first. Also I do not oppose access to quality health care for everyone. This statement of yours is also flawed. I do not ever wish ill will on any human. I wish for the entire world to be healthy and without disease etc. I really do. But here in the real world people get sick, injured, and get old. It is the way things are, and always will be. People will need treatment and not everyone will always be able to get it. for some reason or another. My buddy was in an accident and he needed health care, but the helicopter couldn't get to him soon enough so he went into a coma. That was a bad scene but I think you get the point. That is real life and it isn't always pretty, easy , or perfect. It never will be. Gettig back to your statement...What I am very opposed to, is allowing people that cannot be trusted to run something as simple as a budget run something as huge as our health care system. They cannot even keep their own houses in order and we want to entrust them with the only thing in this whole world we truly own, which is our health?
I find it funny that people don't take lightly to being called what they are. Liberals don't want to be called liberals any more. They prefer "Progressive", yet most lean so far to the left that they act like socialists, but you had better not call them that because now that is considered slanderous? If a person doesn't like the stereotype, then don't act like the stereotype. If you are Asian and can't drive, then learn to drive if you hate that stereotype. If you are black and chase fat white women but hate that stereotype, then don't behave that way. Same goes for being fat. If you don't like the stereotypes about fat people, then don't be fat. If you hate the term commie, or socialist, then don't act like one. People need to have thicker skin and take the medicine that they deserve. I don't care if someone doesn't take what you have dubbed "slander" lightly. This is still America and I still have the First Amendment for now. Slander is making things up that aren't true. I have not done that at all. I just look much harder at things and see not just what is being said on the surface, but what lies as much in what people don't say, or in what lies beneath the surface.
A commie is someone that thinks the state is their God. and the answer to everything. They will sell out their souls, their money, property, and independence to the state to have the state solve problems for them instead of solving the problems themselves. America was built by the rejects of the world coming together forming a nation with a "Can Do" attitude. It was not a "Can you solve all my problems for me from cradle to grave" attitude. That is what it seems the Obama supporters hope for. That video that was posted earlier in this thread does NOT represent the attitude of the minority of Obama supporters but rather the majority of them. That really sickens me. People looking to a politician to put gas in their cars, pay their mortgage, and care for them with free health care for everyone? Sounds like a Utopia. Isn't that what Hitler was trying to build? A Utopian society? If our way of doing things is so bad and flawed, how did we, a country of rejects become the world leading super power in 233 years over countried like China, Japan, England, Italy etc that have been around for thousands of years? Our way is the best way. Not a socialist, Marxist, Nazi, Communist etc way. The free market economy rules and our success in such a short time proves it. It is not perfect, not by a long shot. But it is still the best there is.
You would rather people get their benefits through their employer? OK So here is a bump in the road. What about self employed people? So I would have to go on a Government plan then since I don't get benefits from my job? No thanks.
Have you ever run your own company? I have. The private sector is much more efficient than any government entity. Because if they aren't then they go out of business. PERIOD. The government ALWAYS is much less efficient because if they don't spend or waste all of the money they had during a fiscal year, they can't come back next year and ask for more, all in the name of "progress" or it is "for the children". The government doesn't have to be efficient when people keep re electing idiots like Barney Frank who muck things up so badly and then point the finger at someone else saying it was because of the regulation we failed! Now we know how to fix it! Just like Frank, and Dodd did with the bailout money for Fanny Mae and Fredie Mack. There was no accountability in there so the banks just held onto the money and then asked for more because there was no consequences for them!
Dude, they are the regulators and the law makers!
Forcing any company to pay into health care for their employees when it is not part of their business model that keeps them profitable is very Marxist. It is a redistribution of corporate profits at proverbial gun point saying "now operate like this or die" and I am against it. Having a politician like Obama, Biden, Frank etc. that has no business experience tell a company how to run its business is pretty scary.
I am not sure where you got your stat on 90% of hospitals needing government money to stay open from but I am prettycertain that is false. The majority of hospitals are owned by shareholders and are run for a profit. Maybe the ones that are getting money from the Government are the same ones that gave Michelle Obama a $200K a year raise as soon as her husband got elected Senator? Hmmmm. there is $200K that would help a hospital get closer to being profitable....
Subsidies are sought out to cover hard luck cases and care given to illegal immigrants. I cannot stress enough what a massive drain they are on the system. I have family members that work in hopital admin and they are sick of having to deal with that sort of drain. Arizona is finally looking at eliminating the care for illegals. California needs to.
I really do appreciate your willingness to debate this. I doubt I will change your mind but maybe someone will read some of this and rethink some of their positions either way. Again. thanks.
You never did answer my question. Name one thing the government runs well, or on budget? I await your answer.