The true fiasco is how the Obama administration ignored the successful website and plan search in favor of a system that will never work, no matter how long they tweak it.
I just went to and inside of 1 minute have a list of every Medicare plan available in my zip code. 1 MINUTE!. There is no personal information to submit whatsoever.
I spent 2 hours with a client on and never saw a single plan, all we did was try to get her identity 'proofed'.
That makes too much sense.That's why it's not being done. They compare the site to Amazon but on Amazon don't you get to shop around before you create an account? With you don't. If you could shop first based on generic personal information first that could solve alot of the problems. Then when the person is ready to buy they could create their account and fill out all information about themselves and their household all in one shot. They should also be able to put in their income information during this part of the process. Once they have completed that process then they could be redirected to Experian's official site for the ID verification process. Once the ID verification process is completed from all sources they should receive an email stating that their ID has been verified they should be able to log back in and be taken directly to the plans they qualify for. (This is the part I think we will really be needed for if we can ever get to this step). So my theory is Shop first. Create an account. Be verified. Then buy.
Seriously who creates an account on any website before they see the product they are intereseted in.
I'm my first customer and still have not advanced past the part where you receive your eligibility letter. I received 5 notifications with the same letter. Until I complete the process I'm not signing anyone up.
A step by step tutorial on what we could have expected would have been nice. Oops can't make a demo of something that doesn't work.