Martin Frankel on American Greed


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
The Martin Frankle story is on American Greed.. He is the guy that stole $200 million and took Setters Life under, forcing them into receivership.
The Martin Frankle story is on American Greed.. He is the guy that stole $200 million and took Setters Life under, forcing them into receivership.

It was them good ole boys in Mississippi that finally held his feet to tha fur.
Wow, that guy is a real piece of $%#

That's putting ti mildly.. I was with Settlers when it happened.. They had a great little cancer plan (which is what they had re insured with a Frankel company), the Huff-Cook products and the Settlers life plans.. They were really a good company to do business with and treated the agents almost like family.
That's putting ti mildly.. I was with Settlers when it happened.. They had a great little cancer plan (which is what they had re insured with a Frankel company), the Huff-Cook products and the Settlers life plans.. They were really a good company to do business with and treated the agents almost like family.

He almost put them under. I guess he did put several other insurance companies out of business.
He almost put them under. I guess he did put several other insurance companies out of business.

Considering they were placed in receivership by the state of Virginia because of him, I would say he did put them under. The state arranged a takeover by NGL and even though they may still be a good company, I don't think they have the same atmosphere as when the original folks owned them. The Harmons and Mr. Walker were fine people.. Hated to see them get burned by this crook.
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