The pork was in the NASCAR, dairy and rum business.
And lots more... 150 mil for Alsaskan fisheries, ??? repairing the Smithsonian, a new car for another Wash bureaucrat, etc. Many, many tax credits for corp friends of the current regime. Most of the proposed monies wouldn't be spent for years. The bottom line here was the Senate loaded up the bill with BS and more or less dared the House not to vote on it, knowing that it would make them look bad if they didn't. Christie took the bait... and over-reacted like a grade school child throwing a tantrum. Just two days later a 9.7 bil bill was passed which provides them what they need now. In fact more than they need since folks homes will be rebuilt that weren't insured for such an event... so again, we are rewarding folks for poor planning here. It has become a way of doing business and there appears to be no turning back.