McCain Picks VP

Have you ever been there?

The south side of Chicago is filled with many lovely neighborhoods with well-kept houses, and well-manicured lawns.

It's filled with good, decent, honest, working-class, patriotic citizens.

Does it have rough neighborhoods too? of course it does, but what big city can you name that doesn't?

PS-It had nothing to do with Obama either.

I only go to the sowt side to sell insurance or get beat up by Sox fans or both. Go Cubs. Hey Chicago what do you say the Cubs ain't gonna win today but thats OK, we're used to it.:goofy:
Obama has said he believes semi automatic (non revolver) hand guns should be illegal.

He advocates drivers licenses for illegals so why not just have them pick up their concealed weapon permit while they are getting their drivers licenses. That way they dont have to operate in the shadows.

(I am practicing on how to think like a Democrat. Getting ready to vote for Obama if the Republicans dont put Condi on the ticket. How am I doing? Maybe you guys can give me pointers along the way.)

Don't forget about Motor Voter, the illegals can register to vote while getting their license and the cw permit.

Ugh I look at these candidates and I am no longer proud to be an American. I want to crawl up in the fetal position and cry. :mad:
I will not... for any reason... no matter what, vote for a repub. this time. not for pres. not for congress... nor any down ballot candidate..... they have made a joke out of this country.... a joke out of this economy... and made a joke out of forgien policy. Bush is a mad man and this ain't the old repub party... afte they are taught a lesson, and wake up, get back to their roots... then i might climb back in bed with them. i need leaders to lead... not regulate and shove their social agenda down my throat.

i have an appt. in sweden with my wife and when we are across the pond people think we in the usa are clowns. the dollar sucks, gas prices are out of control (profits up at oil companies) the economy is in full recession (wife is wall st. invest. banker, she say so) bush ,the repubs want to run up spending and bushie wants to regulate and control everything .all we want to do is listen to the lies of the bush gang....and believe it.... give me a break!!!
Well, there is a difference between voting in the primary (I will NOT vote for McCain) and voting in the general election. Have to agree with much of your post, especially about your wife. How anyone with half a dead brain can think we're not in a recession, they're freaking crazy! Forget the "technical definition"!

Now, as for the general, I'm really starting to wonder whether or not it makes a difference. At all. Our goverment is so screwed up that I don't beleive Obama or the Hilderbeast would be able to do anything with the health care system, except maybe put John Edwards on as the head of a task force!
I love Dr. Ron Paul, but not enough people understand the financial situation we are in to realize he is what we need.

Anyone who thinks younger people want to support the debt from the boomers second homes & lavish lifestyle is crazy. Younger people are inheriting a mess of gigantic proportions.

9 Trillion in Debt
50+ trillion in unfunded liabilities
plus....600 trillion in derivatives

A great book to read is "Traders, Guns, and Money".....changed the way I look at the credit situation for sure.